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Glucose12 t1_j6dfvvb wrote


My -point-, which you-all appear to delight in dodging, was that other than a handful or two of whack jobs and trouble-makers(some of which were clearly not MAGA), the majority of the people there in that crowd were there for a peaceful protest/rally. Even most of the people who bumbled inside the Capitol, got in and then just milled about waving their flags. Much less the thousands staying outside protesting.

What isn't fair or correct is that "certain elements", shilling their political hate, wagging their lying poison tongues, want to smear the entire group as traitors, as though being upset about obvious electoral irregularities, and wanting to have a legitimate protest about that - that is treason(?)

Point the finger accurately, otherwise people will reject you as yet another scheming shill.


nobbyv t1_j6fc0jt wrote

You’re a deranged, delusional fucktard. Did I point it accurately enough?