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boutell1 t1_j618vcp wrote

I live in Manchester and became a foster parent last year. I do not have any bio kids and in general did not have a ton of experience with children before signing up. It’s a long story on how I got here but the gist is that I have always wanted to become a foster parent because when I was growing up one of my best friends was in foster care. I didn’t fully understand it then but now looking back I think a lot about how different her life could have been had she not been in the system.

I told DCYF that I initially wanted to do respite care so that I could get my “feet wet” and begin to understand how best to understand children and especially children from challenging situations. I have had 2 kids so far and I have been blown away by the volume of work and expectations put on the workers. We are asking these individuals to be there and help the most vulnerable members of our community and they can barely afford to live their own lives and as you noted in another comment are often put in dangerous and scary situations.

Other than voting and making my interest in DCFY funding clear to lawmakers. What other ways can I help?


twawawayyy OP t1_j61dlul wrote

Few things meant as much to me as a worker as when I saw that the foster parents saw what I was going through. I could never be a FP and have sooooooo much respect for you all. I couldn't have the trauma in my home. You're amazing! Every once in a while my favorite foster parents would say just what you said now: I see you! It's a lot! We are in this together! I loved them for it. Give them a card, give them art by the kids. Even now, I have pictures and letters from my kids on my fridge. Anything to make it real, to confirm they did the right thing, and to show them how good the kids are doing, that's the endgame.

Also, please just take care of yourself and please be in therapy. More than anything, they need you to stick around.


boutell1 t1_j61e9vd wrote

Thank you for your response, I will be sure to keep up the words of appreciation and acknowledgment. I am definitely in therapy and the breaks between respite cases has been helpful to be able to focus on my mental and physical health. Thank you for everything you did while at DCYF!!


twawawayyy OP t1_j61g3o1 wrote

Thank you for being a foster parent. We need you so badly.