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ihaveatrophywife t1_j6b2o55 wrote

Reply to comment by 13DGMHatch in Rent just keeps going up by 13DGMHatch

What constitutes a family home? What constitutes an investor? There are a lot of people moving from out of state. There are a lot of people buying second homes. Most multi family houses are bought by someone who is or becomes a landlord because they are only occupying one unit or won’t live in the house at all. Are they investors if they live in the house? Are they evil? You don’t know anything about risk landlords take on. How much does lead or asbestos abatement cost? What’s the cost of electrical or plumbing or mechanical systems? Appliances? Maintainance? How much is someone’s time worth to do work on their tenant’s home or be on call 24/7? How much is your security deposit in NH? Do you have any idea of how little damage that would actually cover? Even if you treat your apartment nicely, do you think every other renter does? There are corporations or rich people who are landlords, sure. Most landlords have just a few units and are not wealthy people. Just because someone made a decision to become a landlord does not make them evil.