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JonDowd762 t1_j4wnqwo wrote

NH politicians overestimate how much the general population cares about the FITN primary.

But NH isn't going to move its primary. SC and GA aren't going to move theirs either. They would all require Republicans doing the bidding of the DNC. And I'm not sure why the DNC thinks holding delegates hostage is going to convince Sununu to change the law.

If the DNC really wants to move NH back in the schedule it's going to require some real threats, and possibly also the cooperation of the RNC.


valleyman02 t1_j4xtuvs wrote

I know it hard to believe but the RNC the Republican nor the state get to tell the DNC how to run there primary. Not that I am surprised they will try. Personal I think this just show how the 2 parties can't work together even on basic fundamentals problems.


JonDowd762 t1_j514pfk wrote

The primary is run by the state. The SoS will schedule the primary according to law, not according to the preferences of one party. Sununu is a Republican and isn’t going to sign a law because the DNC asks him to. And fwiw a Democratic governor probably wouldn’t either.