Submitted by chaotic_crystal t3_10fiire in newhampshire

was walking alone in a park near the littleton area with a dog. no one else was around (no cars in the parking lot when we came nor left) and there was no one on the trail today. we were getting further back in the woods (while still on the path) when i first thought i heard something. i had my hat and hood on so it was hard to tell what it was. i pulled my hood down and clapped a few times, but didn’t hear anything else. five minutes or so deeper into the woods we hear what i can only describe sounded like a snow shovel being dragged across the ground. i can hear the highway from that area, but this sounded way closer. it could have been a snow plow, but when i zoomed out on google maps after, the closest street seems a bit far for something like that to sound so close. it sounded a bit guttural and like it was coming from the woods (not a distant street) and lasted for several seconds between breaks. needless to say we noped out of there pretty quick, but does anyone have an idea on what it could’ve been? i have yet to see any larger wildlife back there but who knows.



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SasquatchGroomer t1_j4wz3y8 wrote

Male moose rubbing antlers on a tree, perhaps. That sounds like a plastic snow shovel


slatts7 t1_j4x1vg1 wrote

Almost certainly a Wendigo


bitspace t1_j4x6tlc wrote

Whitewalkers. Winter is coming.


Able_Cunngham603 t1_j4xu5lc wrote

Quite possibly Bigfoot. Please message me and I would be happy to send out the local Bigfoot Scene Investigation (BSI) team.


T-to-B t1_j4xuwkm wrote

Were you on Parker Mountain? There are mountain bike/fatbike trails out there. They are sometimes groomed by someone snowshoeing and dragging a tire behind them. Probably getting the trail ready for the incoming storm.


wetsockssuckass t1_j4xxfdl wrote

Related to that; I was having lunch in a 99 right before Xmas and sat next to an overly talkative older gentleman. Somehow got on the topic of jobs and he explained he worked with fish and game as a cat expert. I jokingly said, you mean the mountain lions! He went on for 5 mins about how there are mountain lions that come into NH from Canada but they don’t have a strong population. He swore they were tracking a male mountain lion that was currently living on the NW side of Lafayette etc and that they won’t admit it because they will have to change how they manage things etc.. Convincing story, certainly not impossible but unlikely. Made for an interesting lunch nonetheless


thrunabulax t1_j4xygh7 wrote

Chupacabra, the Goat Sucker.

you are lucky you got out of there in one piece!


nixstyx t1_j4ycj63 wrote

I've heard similar stories before, so I'd believe it. They're known to travel great distances. When one is actually confirmed here they'll say it was just migrating through, because that's how they get around changing things after denials stop working.

But, likely not what OP heard in the woods, haha.


Winter-Rewind t1_j4yjp93 wrote

Don’t worry about it, it’s just the sound of kobold having his weekly cry. It’s a gut wrenching cry of agony from being so wrong and lost all the time. Just let him be and let him have his cry moment. Once he gets it out of his system, he’ll be right back here to make more stupid comments again.


No_Preference2949 t1_j51304v wrote

It sounds like it was a doe hissing at you. Did you also hear something like a stomp after? It might have stomped two or three times before hissing again and then finally running off