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lantonas t1_j5olpkw wrote


MusicalMerlin1973 t1_j5ow7ya wrote

Isn’t vt still a lot more open space with farms compared to nh?


[deleted] t1_j5uiod1 wrote

100 years ago maybe. Most of our state is a National Forest.


[deleted] t1_j5oq6kl wrote

Our power company maintains their power lines instead of waiting for disasters.


beardmat87 t1_j5q4h8p wrote

This is the true answer. Me and my neighbors have asked eversource in NH multiple times to take care of some trees that are mixed in with the lines along our road and they always say no. The storm we got on Christmas took 2 down in front of my neighbors house and took the pole with it.

When they came to repair it the lineman asked the super from Eversource why all the trees on our road haven’t been pruned or removed and he couldn’t give a good reason other then they didn’t think it was worth the expense.


warpedaeroplane t1_j5r3faq wrote

It’s because if you schedule a call with them to come out and do clearing work they schedule it and the guys work it their regular day making straight time. When it falls down in the storm cause they didn’t do it the week before the storm, the guys go out and do the same shit after it’s already fallen + the repair that’s necessitated by not doing it and make overtime.

There’s a reason.


slimyprincelimey t1_j5pejfc wrote

Fewer trees along roads. More agricultural fields in rural areas. Fewer chances for issues. Also "seems" might not be correct.


ScolaMoney t1_j5oorj4 wrote

Great infrastructure compared to the other New England states


l337quaker t1_j5px29e wrote

I would ask if you are on more NH centric groups (Facebook, reddit, etc) and thus see more posts about it vs posts on VT centric groups. I have family and coworkers on both sides of the river Connecticut, and it's pretty even with power loss from what I hear.


lantonas t1_j5s74xm wrote

I've lived in Vermont for my entire life and I've lost power for more than an hour once.


Tullyswimmer t1_j5ti33u wrote

Yeah, I used to work with a lot of people who lived in VT. They lost power about as much as we did, which is to say not all that much, except in really rural areas.

And there's also been a ton of people I know from MA who've been without power for several days due to this storm. So it's not unique to NH to lose power in a storm that features heavy snow and high winds.