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Tullyswimmer t1_j5titgq wrote

> Last I saw it cost around $11500/mi to bury lines- not cheap by any means, but it could be covered in <10 years by a 1c/kwh increase statewide. Additionally, most new construction already has buried lines, no reason not to make that the standard.

Where did you see that? Because if it cost $2/foot to bury lines, the power companies would have buried all of them years ago.

The absolute cheapest per mile number I have found recently is $1.5 million to bury lines. Even in 2017, when Hydro Quebec floated the idea of burying 11 miles of lines (that didn't require any horizontal drilling, mind you), it was $4 million per mile

So if you have a way to put high voltage transmission lines in the ground for $2/foot, write Eversource and tell them because they'll be all over that.


AKBigDaddy t1_j5uz5yg wrote

This was in regards to poles and local service, the long distance HV Transmission isn't commonly buried AFAIK.


Tullyswimmer t1_j5v0pnj wrote

Doesn't have to be long distance HV transmission. Even just like 34k or 46k that would serve a neighborhood is going to get costly to bury.