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DrMantisToboggan777 t1_j6y53c0 wrote

Its very nice over there, on one side you have east rock which is overall very quiet. Farther down winchester into Newhallville has some sketchier blocks but its the same as other cities, mind your business and keep your shit locked up


Extreme-Cupcake5929 t1_j6y9yt8 wrote

Do not rent in the Newhallville area at all !! Very high crime / drug area

Try east rock area if you need to be close to the college


Observant_Neighbor t1_j6yk1at wrote

Careful. Between I think Division and Hillsdale, there are some ok apartments called the winchester lofts. YMMV. Some friends enjoyed them, others not so much. Other than that long block - hard pass. Ideally you don't want to be west of prospect, off prospect. Other than the lofts, you are at risk.

Opposite AMC on Winchester, you are in the wild west. Hard pass.


At1l t1_j6ylx2u wrote

I wouldn’t rent on Winchester north of Division street. There’s a lot of violent crime and property crime - shootings and robberies are frequent along with larcenies and burglaries.


Trystiane t1_j6yshkz wrote

Go walk around and see how you feel. I live right around the corner off Goodrich St and it’s great. Quiet, diverse neighborhood that feels very safe. Everyone told me to avoid it and move to East Rock, but they were in the middle of a rash of muggings. Plus I was done with grad school and ready to live among grown ups.


mgr86 t1_j6ytcw6 wrote

I’d stay off if Winchester and not really cross prospect st. I spent a year in a 1br apartment on a dead street off of highland ave. Believe it was Sheldon terrace. Was quiet and I was able to walk to work.


beaveristired t1_j6yxrkd wrote

Prospect St. is fine. Once you start heading toward Winchester, it gets dicey. Would avoid Winchester from Division St. to Goodrich / Morse.

Eta: although Newhallville is considered high crime, most violent crime isn’t directed at random people. Keep alert and aware and mind your business and you’ll be ok in most areas of the city. Property crime is common throughout New Haven, including the neighborhoods considered “safe”. The city regularly shares “Compstat” reports about crime, they’re a bit difficult to read if you’re not familiar with the area. But it’s a good source for major crime data. Click on the time period you’re interested in viewing, then Scroll down to “District 7”.

Edit #2: according to above link, during last 2 weeks, gunfire was heard corner on Highland and Winchester, and larceny from vehicle was reported on Sheffield and Mansfield. This district also includes East Rock, which had its own issues with property crime last week.


oodrishsho OP t1_j6z6y0v wrote

Thank you all. Your comments really helped me a lot.


Suspicious-Box-5828 t1_j6ze35t wrote

Hello NH Realtor here 👋, Certain parts of Winchester Ave near Albertus can offer exceptional living! The more “Independently” owned or “Third party landlord” owned can be where you can run into “Less affluent” living situations. However, working with a variety of property management companies I can most definitely offer some good options! Please let me know if your interested! PM for more information.


dragonflytype t1_j6zxob9 wrote

I used to live on Starr, off Prospect. Super friendly neighbors, quiet street, I felt safe walking around in the evening, I closed my car door on my seatbelt so it didn't lock and didn't realize and my wallet was in there overnight, and it was totally fine. But also two people got shot on my block in the 3 years we lived there. Both personal things, specifically directed, not random, but still not great.


theycallmekeefe t1_j71y7kh wrote

I lived there for a few years right by starr street. Do not recommend. I moved away for a reason. Car broken into multiple times, towed erroneously 2 times (towed correctly 2 times as well), had my car damaged during the tow cuz the street i park on was that terrible, roommate got mugged right outside our apt, had some one get shot and die within eye sight of my apt. Not a great area if youre north of starr street.


Fezzick51 t1_j72coiz wrote

Sorry to see downvotes - folks don't often appreciate how valuable a rental-focused realtor can be, and that your fees are covered by the property owner/management co. It's a win-win for everyone, and because New Haven has such a strangely tight mix of places, you can still take a left or right and find you went from perfectly fine to roughandtumble.

The diversity is truly a strength, and Yale continues to push its programs into the Hill (upper Columbus) and Newhallville, and I can only hope it takes a beat to be sure affordable rentals remain, but fear everything will ultimately go the way of the usual gentrification effect.

(Long time NH area resident - traveled all the neighborhoods in the early 90's working part-time delivering pizza @ one of the only spots who delivered into every corner of the city...gave many a local a lift as I made my way around, too.)


SharkMark18 t1_j7t7b03 wrote

Lol it’s the hood. Any comment in here saying it’s not that bad have never lived in a predominantly middle class and up town lol