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thepianoman456 t1_j85i4yq wrote

Road my one wheel around it the other day! It’s really well made. I’ve never seen a peanut shaped roundabout before. I wonder if it would be tricky for trucks with trailers?

Either way, Elicker is killing it with infrastructure! Though, I’m wondering what the reasoning is behind changing Grasso from a 2 to a 1 lane?


awebr OP t1_j85lknz wrote

Was that you out there on thursday? I was with the group doing our final inspection and a onewheeler was out doing some laps

Big tractor trailers will be able to get through going straight on chapel but really shouldnt be making those sharp turns as other more suitable routes exist like 34. And the boulevard road diet is a CTDOT thing, illegal drag racing was going on along with continuous pedestrian deaths


buried_lede t1_j868hlm wrote

Grasso was maybe the most dangerous road in town. Lots of accidents so many that's why