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13_0_0_0_0 t1_j8f0h0f wrote

Reply to comment by park28 in Adderall shortage by [deleted]

> physicians are afraid if they don’t satisfy the patient they will get poor reviews.

The Hippocratic Oath means nothing to some.


snorkelbagel t1_j8iy0oh wrote

This actually more has to due with malpractice insurance.

Basically what it boils down to is a physician that is well liked by their clients, despite having poorer outcomes is less likely to get sued than physicians less well liked but yields better (relative) outcomes.

Therefore in our heavily litigious society, it behooves the practitioner to remain well liked.

Hell, with the current round of sensitivity training going around, you can’t even call someone clinically obese, you can only refer to them possessing excessive adipose. Because it hurts their feelings, nevermind the laundry list of health problems obesity causes.

When you work in healthcare you come to realize basically every person you see is 5 seconds and a no from turning into a screeching Karen.