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park28 t1_j8ht2v5 wrote

Reply to comment by oliviahope1992 in Adderall shortage by [deleted]

First, it depends what field of medicine you practice. An OBGYN is not going to review psych meds; nor is an orthopedic surgeon going to review your ADHD meds. Unfortunately medicine has always been a business where quantity is valued over quality. It’s a shame. We spent half a million dollars becoming physicians only to have big pharma and other institutions that have no clinical experience dictate who we see in what amount of time we see them. This results in poor outcomes, quickly satisfying patients needs and moving on. It’s a shame. That’s why I resigned last month. I can’t compromise my integrity as a physician because we are being pushed to see patients every 7 min.


oliviahope1992 t1_j8hwtwp wrote

That's not what I ask. I didn't say it was an obgyn. And we don't routinely go and see orthos easier. I was talking about physicians. Like you. The primary care doctor who SHOULD have a relationship with their patients What exactly is the point your making? Because it's clearly nothing to do with what I posted
