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NYHC4EVER t1_j8iwt9y wrote

Reply to comment by oliviahope1992 in Adderall shortage by [deleted]

Sadly there are a good amount of these types it seems in my experience from going to different doctors, clinics, etc. They rush you in and out the door, depending on the mood they're in, if they're busy and pressed for time, etc. It seems like most don't listen and discuss as much as they should many times and that's really unfortunate for the patient. There is nothing worse than having to explain yourself/your feelings, issues, etc over and over again to many different doctors and nurses, while lots of them aren't even really listening like they should be IMO. Seems like more than anything a lot of us/ a lot of times we're nothing more than a 'lab rat'/ 'test subject' to see how a particular medication will effect you/ how it will work for you. I can't stand that type of BS TBH. Plus, many of these meds take a longer period of time for your body to adapt to/ to see it's effectiveness for you. Blah.😔👎