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tequilamockingbird37 t1_j8se1zo wrote

I lived in new haven for most of my life and all over the town. This is average especially with the weather getting nicer. My suggestions as a grown ass woman that didn't make it past 5'1. Ignore it, obviously stay vigilant and constantly aware of your surroundings but literally do not give them any attention. I always had a keychain with pepper spray or mace. If it's late at night or you're uncomfortable keys in your fingers brings a small sense of safety. I learned very young very quick the worst thing you can do is to stop and talk to them or acknowledge them at all. Keep on moving and get where you're tryna go

Also around the green there are always people from the courthouses and stores around. If you're walking and someone does that find a fake friend. I've walked up to literal strangers and asked if I could pretend to know them and chat for a minute so someone would bugger off and leave me alone. Living in new haven you'll achieve the wonderful skill of feeling a person out without ever speaking to them. I never felt unsafe anywhere in new haven but I was always hyper aware of my surroundings bc that's what they taught me k-8 in our mandatory street safety classes. I doubt they do that anymore but it stuck with me. Stay safe out there 💚