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nickyfatboi OP t1_j8ttfzn wrote

Wow, that sounds amazing. Thank you for this! Can’t wait to try it. Still not sure what buddy was talking about regarding them accepting me, but I guess I’ll find out


j54t t1_j8tx8dt wrote

They accept anyone. Just gotta act a little salty and make sure to bring cash and don't come with a big crowd. I've never been "not accepted" nor do I know anyone who has. Also don't ask for a menu. Instead say "you doing food tonight?" cause legit sometimes they're just in no food mode and if you're not a regular he won't do it. It's def a bit intimidating but once you come in and grab a drink and chill for a min people will warm up to you.


eddie964 t1_j8u3eih wrote

Shouldn't be an issue anymore. For a long time, it was a cop bar, and they were pretty picky about who they let in. Women were not allowed. (The reasoning supposedly was that the cops would go there after work, and if their wives knew they were at Contois, they could be sure they weren't messing around.)

It was real low-key. There was no sign or neon lights. My brother moved into an apartment right across the street in the late 1990s, and he didn't believe me at first when I told him there was a bar there.

The first few times I went in, I'm pretty sure they were keeping thge door locked, and I probably wouldn't have set foot inside except my friend had a connection. Even so, if memory serves, everyone stopped talking and stared at me. The owner -- I believe the father of the current owner -- was reputedly an ex-Navy Seal, and he certainly looked the part. Things got friendier once he got to know you.

Things got a lot more relaxed under the current ownership. They put in a low-key sign 10 years or so ago. And to my knowledge, they welcome anyone, male or female, as long as they behave respectfully.


justalilchili t1_j8uxkh7 wrote

Woman here, I went once with no problems so pretty sure it’s fine now. 😂 Their cook was out the day we went though, which I’m kind of bummed about after reading the other comments.


Fun-Cockroach8339 t1_j8uzirx wrote

Cops definitely went there but it was more of a blue collar bar than strictly a “cop bar”: railroad, water company, fd, PD, UI, etc. It also has its share of local politicos drink there. The ownership is the same family and rumor is that it’s the oldest liquor license in the state with the same name.


Ambartenen t1_j8uieen wrote

White men get preference. Then cops, firefighters and EMT, regardless of race.

I’ve never seen a black woman in there


rueluella t1_j8wmqcc wrote

I’ve been there once! (Black woman) don’t think I’ll be going back again. 🥴


Fun-Cockroach8339 t1_j8uzqtq wrote

This isn’t true, however the demographic of east rock is primarily white so that tends to be the clientele.


brewski t1_j8w5xqh wrote

I don't doubt you, though I'm not sure there is a "preference" more than that's just who tends to frequent the place. East Rock is diverse on paper, but not always in practice. There was a reasonable amount of diversity there the last time I went, including black women. But that was at least a decade ago.