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andrewbwilliams t1_j972msc wrote

Heirloom is the best restaurant in town.


dang_he_groovin t1_j97d4mz wrote

Bro heirloom is possibly the worst restaurant in town. Everytime I'm there it's full disaster mode


Independent-Hawk-699 t1_j97gy7o wrote

It’s true. It’s the staff. They’re terrible. They act like you’re burdening them by asking them to do their job.


Lazy_Nobody_4579 t1_j97h8ky wrote

Pre-pandemic they were really good in my experience. Haven’t been back since hut haven’t heard good things post-pandemic either.


Independent-Hawk-699 t1_j987zie wrote

They laid off all staff during the pandemic without calling anyone back for over a year. Their executive chef left and they’ve had an identity crisis. He pretty much salvaged the restaurant. When they first opened it was a shitshow too. The only thing keeping it floating is the hotel.


HockeyandTrauma t1_j97rkrg wrote

Yeah. I was a big fan, and my wife and I went in Jan 22 for our anniversary and it was.....not great to say the least. It fell off a ton. We likely won't go back with so many better options.


MochaUnicorn369 t1_j99bn3p wrote

Yes I’ve been there 2-3 times post pandemic only because someone else suggested it. Not impressed.