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rossiterpj t1_j9kr8i4 wrote

She needs to go to a sober house. If she wants to have her own space that badly, she wants to use. There are plenty of opportunities for addicts to get help. They have to want it.

My advice to you is to lovingly disengage. Don't give her any money. Don't research for her. Don't do anything that relieves her of her own personal responsibility. Involving yourself is only going to lead you to pain.


paddyboombotz t1_j9lv3qw wrote

I dunno I think it varies person to person. My friend got out the joint and I got him a restaurant job and he’s been on the straight and skinny ever since. Going back to school, got a girlfriend, etc etc. For some people, you might be the only support system they have. I know for my friend, I was.