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MazenGreen t1_jbl956j wrote

I mean compared to other cities it’s just OK, Peabody? NYC has way better alternatives.

Art (if they are into that) MOMA is way better

The list can go on - I took my friends from out of state, and we did a New Haven tour in half a day. Where is we did 2 days in NYC (which still wasn’t enough) 2 in Boston and Philly, and a day trip to Newport for the beaches and mansion tour - new haven’t doesn’t have what those cities offer, and it’s obvious, it’s not a tourist city or a too attraction

I went to college in New Haven for 4 years, and still come down for restaurants/bars mostly now.

But it’s just great when compared to what other states have to offer

CT is the bridge between NYC and Boston is where you stop and try the great pizza


Dispatches547 t1_jbljueg wrote

You're comparing a city of 100k to a city of 8 million thats widely seen as the cultural capital of America. Mmhmm. Didn't have a lot of fun in college im guessing lol and it's new havens fault...

You post about it further down but the idea you can't wander around new haven is objectively wrong. Anyone with a cursory knowledge of Google can find walkable locations. It's just true.


green_lemonade t1_jblkvdl wrote

You don't even need google, you can just walk towards the largest buildings lol


Gloribert_Cubeshade t1_jbleeya wrote

Your comparisons are a pretty unfair. Everything seems mediocre compared to New York City and Boston.


MazenGreen t1_jblexsg wrote

It’s not unfair, it’s truth. I see people in this sub get so upset when people talk down about CT. It’s a fine place to live and raise a family, but not great for tourists, and not as exciting for people post college to get jobs/have a fun young adult life.

I think some people need to realize that, and this post from an outsider was spot on.

It’s not a great city to just walk and find something. You need to pre plan for an event or something.


Gloribert_Cubeshade t1_jblfm8e wrote

It is unfair. "Sure, the museums are nice, but Paris has the Louvre, so why bother."

Sounds like New Haven was convenient given their itinerary but they didn't take advantage of it and were underwhelmed by an Apple Store.

Why are you so invested in posting multiple times in a sub about New Haven arguing with people who ostensibly like New Haven about how underwhelmed you are with New Haven?


MazenGreen t1_jblg5al wrote

Sounds like they went spontaneously, and you can’t really do New Haven like that, it’s not a city where you can just wander and see what’s around, which is made obvious by OPs post

Just sad to see people getting so offended but a truthful post from an outsider.

It’s a public forum, am I not free to comment as much or as little as I want?

I can ask why people are so offended by someone making a truthful statement about New Haven just being SO-SO?

everyone always gets upset here when people talk about CT being “boring” I mean our side of a few things it is kinda boring…


Gloribert_Cubeshade t1_jblh1az wrote

You're free to do whatever you want. It does however make you seem like you have a weird, sad grudge. So, you know, have fun with that.


MattFantastic t1_jbmqvjp wrote

Actually you’re not free to just say whatever you want, this isn’t the public square and we aren’t the government. But far outside of your needless negativity, spamming your complaints in every comment thread is a great way to get banned no matter what you’re saying. Consider yourself warned, please stop spamming every thread.


paddyboombotz t1_jblgggv wrote

Born and raised New Yorker here. If you think NYC post 2010 has anything interesting or worthwhile to do or see, chances are you’re a hick. All the cool shit left a long time ago.


green_lemonade t1_jbli6fg wrote

Thank you, I've been in and out of the city for a decade. It's fun and lively but the people who complain about not having anything to do and move to NYC are typically not interesting people to begin with. Living in the city isnt a substitute for having your own hobbies and interests.

Not hating on the city at all, i love it, rent is criminally overpriced though.


MazenGreen t1_jblhp9l wrote

Maybe because you’ve been there you don’t like it? But there’s so much to do and see you there. I’m not sure how you can even say that. I’ve lived in Connecticut all my life and I frequently go to Manhattan for mostly Rangers games but my girlfriend and I always go a couple times a year for a weekend just to hang out, we could always walk around and find cool stuff, there’s tons of awesome events, museums, and activities to do as well. Not to mention the restaurants there are awesome, so I’m not sure why you’re calling me a hick when there’s plenty to do in New York City.

Especially for people who have never visited there’s a whole lot you can do and a few days doesn’t do it justice


paddyboombotz t1_jblipo8 wrote

You’re not sure how I can say that? I’m born and raised there. People like you ruined my city. And now you want to act a hot shot and shit on smaller cities because you go to midtown once a month to do boring shit. You probably goto Manhattan and look up at the buildings.


MazenGreen t1_jblkwm3 wrote

How did it ruin it? Lmao you don’t know me at all.

I don’t go to look at buildings, I literally just told you some of what I do there.

I think the city is very happy to take my money, so I’m not sure why you’re so salty and upset, did someone hurt you today?


paddyboombotz t1_jblloca wrote

You just said you goto rangers games and stay in manhattan. In 2023. That’s two of the most boring things you could do in nyc. Also I said “look UP at the buildings,” implying you’re a hick, which you are. You ever been pre 9/11?


MazenGreen t1_jblpiyk wrote

that’s 1 of the many things I listed… nice cherry picking. Obviously rangers games are exciting for people who like hockey, if you don’t that’s fine, but doesn’t make it less exciting for the 20k people in the building, and everyone watching on tv/at bars etc

what was different to you pre 9:11 to now?

You seem very upset for no reason, would you like to talk to a therapist?


paddyboombotz t1_jblqq45 wrote

I’m not upset at all, I’m just pointing out the facts. You say New Haven is a boring, unimpressive city, but think Manhattan in 2023 is some enriching cultural experience. The irony is lost on you I suppose.


MazenGreen t1_jbm5ls5 wrote

lmao I never said enriching cultural experience. I said as a while NYC is better, which it is. I bet if you polled people you’d find I’m right

So again, what, in your opinion was better about NYC before 9/11?? You sound like a 40+ year old cranky old man, and/or a Republican who hates how liberal NYC got


paddyboombotz t1_jbm8cpy wrote

Nyc, I’d anything has gotten way more conservative and uptight. Yuppies everywhere, calling noise complaints after buying apartments above bars and music venues. I’m still in my 30s, and when I was a kid I used to goto punk matinees at cbgbs, abc no rio, and c squat so you’re wrong again. All those places are gone. Enjoy the frozen yogurt stores and corner banks.


MazenGreen t1_jbmd7p6 wrote

I haven’t found it more conservative, but maybe you get mad easily (obviously) I feel like pink matinees are boring LMAO ( see what I did there, you called hockey boring even when it isn’t)

I have never been to a frozen yogurt place in NYC haha nor have I been to a bank there. Why would I go to a bank?