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Gloribert_Cubeshade t1_jbleeya wrote

Reply to comment by MazenGreen in My Day in New Haven by marbleheader88

Your comparisons are a pretty unfair. Everything seems mediocre compared to New York City and Boston.


MazenGreen t1_jblexsg wrote

It’s not unfair, it’s truth. I see people in this sub get so upset when people talk down about CT. It’s a fine place to live and raise a family, but not great for tourists, and not as exciting for people post college to get jobs/have a fun young adult life.

I think some people need to realize that, and this post from an outsider was spot on.

It’s not a great city to just walk and find something. You need to pre plan for an event or something.


Gloribert_Cubeshade t1_jblfm8e wrote

It is unfair. "Sure, the museums are nice, but Paris has the Louvre, so why bother."

Sounds like New Haven was convenient given their itinerary but they didn't take advantage of it and were underwhelmed by an Apple Store.

Why are you so invested in posting multiple times in a sub about New Haven arguing with people who ostensibly like New Haven about how underwhelmed you are with New Haven?


MazenGreen t1_jblg5al wrote

Sounds like they went spontaneously, and you can’t really do New Haven like that, it’s not a city where you can just wander and see what’s around, which is made obvious by OPs post

Just sad to see people getting so offended but a truthful post from an outsider.

It’s a public forum, am I not free to comment as much or as little as I want?

I can ask why people are so offended by someone making a truthful statement about New Haven just being SO-SO?

everyone always gets upset here when people talk about CT being “boring” I mean our side of a few things it is kinda boring…


Gloribert_Cubeshade t1_jblh1az wrote

You're free to do whatever you want. It does however make you seem like you have a weird, sad grudge. So, you know, have fun with that.


MattFantastic t1_jbmqvjp wrote

Actually you’re not free to just say whatever you want, this isn’t the public square and we aren’t the government. But far outside of your needless negativity, spamming your complaints in every comment thread is a great way to get banned no matter what you’re saying. Consider yourself warned, please stop spamming every thread.