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the-crotch t1_jc4l0uh wrote

I guess that country star that died in a shootout with police must have been bleaching his skin then huh


[deleted] t1_jc4llyf wrote

“ThAT oNE tImE”



the-crotch t1_jc4mucz wrote

Hitler and Stalin killed, between them, about 30 million people. Find me a single black person with a body count that even approaches that. Take your time, I'll wait.


[deleted] t1_jc4njme wrote



the-crotch t1_jc4orkp wrote

That's absolutely what's being discussed. You claim black people are more violent, I just gave you an example of two of the most violent people who have ever lived and they're both white. And you're all "no that's now how this works just agree with meeeeeeee!!!!"I don't know what's worse, being a racist or a crybaby, but you my friend are both.