Submitted by one-who-bends t3_11s72g4 in newhaven

Question in the title. Any bars, ideally downtown or in Wooster Square, that would work to bring a board game to? Somewhere not too crowded, loud, or fancy. Thinking something along the lines of East Rock Brewing which is exactly what I’m looking for, but kinda far from me as I don’t have a car.



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13reen t1_jcc88m9 wrote

i work at Three Sheets and on slower days we’ve seen people come thru with board games.


flytweed t1_jccaqxj wrote

And I just saw that East Rock Brewery opened a game garden indoors with corn hole and board games. Armada Brewery does, maybe closer to you.


Krytens t1_jccp12h wrote

Old Heidelberg has board games you can play. I assume they'd be fine with you bringing your own, too. It's very lowkey in there.


BranfordBound t1_jccui60 wrote

It’s almost weird if you’re not playing something there while at a table


ElectricBedlam t1_jcc6e3q wrote

El Segundo has a few game sets in the bar. I believe Trinity does as well.


Dispatches547 t1_jccat68 wrote

Trinity might be more crowded or loud, But no one would likely bat an eye. There's also elm city games


dickhoff3 t1_jcd0js3 wrote

I actually think booth-side at trinity is pretty quiet and would be ideal for board games most nights.


NATO1092 t1_jcc91ub wrote

Mediterranea on orange st. It's byob.....mainly a hookah bar and Mediterranean food apot....they have a back room with seating and tables as well as a very large room on the side... access is through the back. Omar is the owner I'm pretty tight with him and a regular I'm sure if you buy a hookah or some food he'd let you hang out for as long as you want....They're usually open really late too I'd the hookah crowd is large.


Stonedpicking t1_jccxs0m wrote

Honestly you can bring a board game into any bar you’d like within reason.


OpelSmith t1_jccnthg wrote

Another vote for Trinity, Three Sheets, and the brewery. Owl Shop too on a slow day if.youre into smoking


GBJGBJGBJx3 t1_jce5uit wrote

Armada Brewing Co. isn't very far from Wooster Square and has tons of board games (you can bring your own too). Also just a great vibe there in general and good beer.


6th__extinction t1_jcetd21 wrote

I’d love to open a simple bar in Wooster Square, it’d be a goldmine.


ebrutzkus t1_jcgauwc wrote

One of the owners of Ordinary is part of a team that’s opening a new Italian spot in Wooster Sq with a rooftop bar!


ObiWan_Cannoli_ t1_jcdb124 wrote

Armada one hundo, especially on tuesdays


Abject-Region1025 t1_jcftxph wrote

Armada is closed on Tuesdays


ObiWan_Cannoli_ t1_jci753a wrote

Damn i clearly meant thursdays lol


Abject-Region1025 t1_jck2p2d wrote

Oh, that makes more sense. Honestly kinda thought you were being a beer bro and lying about the day on purpose to be a dick. Sorry about that.


ObiWan_Cannoli_ t1_jcla5d8 wrote

The armada boys are homies from when i worked with em, always pumping up their tires. No gatekeeping beer.

Edit: i think tabletop tuesdays used to be a thing, but it could have been thursdays all the same.


Abject-Region1025 t1_jdh4ue0 wrote

Did you see Armada just announced table Tuesdays are back? Thought it was funny since we were just discussing this.


deebop1 t1_jce3yiv wrote

Fussy coffee has games and alcohol. Only open to 9 on weekends tho.


MattFantastic t1_jce6cm2 wrote

So before Elm City Games was a thing, I used to do board game brunch at Rudy’s which was always a fun vibe and a monthly (or weekly?) thing at Three Sheets. It’s kind of a hike from Wooster Sq though. Overall any bar with food vibes will be chill so long as it’s not at night when they’re busy with bar stuff.

Close to Wooster specific suggestions… Trinity booth side. Firehouse has a couple tables that can work depending on the game (and low key one of the best kitchens in the city). Mediterranea. Blue Orchid I haven’t done anything at since they took over the space but they seem super chill and probably would be into it.

Armada is chill but while it’s close enough, it’s a bit of an unpleasant walk so you may or may not be into it.

Bummer info about Wooster Sq… no bars. But it’s close enough that I can easily walk from my place a block from the park to whatever downtown, so there are plenty of options within easy walking.


armadabrewing t1_jd7io37 wrote

It ain't that bad Matt lol.


MattFantastic t1_jd8pi5o wrote

I don't mind it personally, but it's not exactly a stroll up East Rock and I'd hate someone to start the walk and then turn around because they weren't expecting it to be a industrial vibe haha


bgtdoug t1_jcfhlqu wrote

Next Door Restaurant, plenty of space great food and drink at good prices, near Wooster Square


sjm293 t1_jcdgacc wrote

In addition to the other good suggestions, Trinity


brokenaxles t1_jd4211s wrote

Armada Brewing is heavy on promoting board /table top games. During winter was closed on Tuesdays but now back open on Tuesdays.