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cataquacks OP t1_jcisqmn wrote

It's especially crazy because plenty of people in this state don't have oil heat! So their utility costs are high, but not crazy like this. I have no idea why the government isn't just throwing money at homeowners to get them to switch from oil to electric.


OverDimension5842 t1_jcjs5oy wrote

As someone who recently moved from a state where we had central heating run by a natural gas furnace (maybe $150 a month in the winter) to a house that has electric baseboard heat in CT (so far, each month this winter has been $900+) I’d say no on the electric. We’re considering installing a wood stove.


jgregory17 t1_jcjt4hq wrote

I went the catalytic wood stove route a few years ago. It could save some money if you have a good source of seasoned wood (e.g. you own a large wooded property and don’t mind felling trees and splitting wood). But at $400/cord it’s a lot of work for what’s probably very little in savings. That being said, I love having a roaring fire in the evenings and it provides a nice warm room for my wife.


chroniclerofblarney t1_jck9v8b wrote

Why are you paying 400/cord? I just had a cord of seasoned delivered last week for 225 and that is pretty standard around here (Tolland County). Is this Fairfield that you’re talking about?


jgregory17 t1_jctl9g6 wrote

I’m in New Haven. Always happy to switch to a reliable supplier if I can find one. The definition of “seasoned” seems to be a bit shaky when I was looking, so I go with someone I trust than the lowest bidder.


buried_lede t1_jcp5aby wrote

Baseboard electric is way more expensive than electric heat pumps


tequilamockingbird37 t1_jcj27d8 wrote

As an electric/gas user I politely disagree. We just like you get robbed every single month. Our supply charges, yeah they're not terrible. It's the delivery charges where you're paying at least 3 times more than supply. At least. It can be astronomically more. If you belong to the ct subreddit Eversouce is the devil here. But everyone's thumbs are in everyone else's pockets so the PURA just sets whatever rates they want and the AGs office just goes along with it. They'll put out a statement now and then. Hell we got a $15 credit after losing power for 9 days during Isaias. But it's the most they'll ever do. Bc frankly they've made it clear they don't give a damn

It's not okay. I miss lower new haven county and having UI. It's the best I've ever known


brewski t1_jcm1mgq wrote

Because electric is much more expensive than oil.


[deleted] t1_jcmexje wrote

You'd have to be absolutely insane to go electric heat. Eversource would drain your bank account to zero in 2 months.