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tequilamockingbird37 t1_jcj27d8 wrote

As an electric/gas user I politely disagree. We just like you get robbed every single month. Our supply charges, yeah they're not terrible. It's the delivery charges where you're paying at least 3 times more than supply. At least. It can be astronomically more. If you belong to the ct subreddit Eversouce is the devil here. But everyone's thumbs are in everyone else's pockets so the PURA just sets whatever rates they want and the AGs office just goes along with it. They'll put out a statement now and then. Hell we got a $15 credit after losing power for 9 days during Isaias. But it's the most they'll ever do. Bc frankly they've made it clear they don't give a damn

It's not okay. I miss lower new haven county and having UI. It's the best I've ever known