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buried_lede t1_jcn4h3c wrote

I’ll probably get a bunch of downvotes for this but New haven is so confounding. It comes off like it’s a city of interesting, progressive, intelligent, and creative people but the city itself is run barely competently. It isn’t creative or dynamic. It is utterly lacking in compassion. City hall is kind of reliably nasty in fact. It can’t only be a lack of resources.

Just a few weeks ago alders heard about a homeless man who died on the tracks and about this tent city. You would come away from that hearing thinking this is the absolutely last thing Elicker or the city would do right now but somehow they did, they couldn’t figure out a single thing better than this, and they even had grant money and ideas submitted that about it.

I didn’t vote for Elicker, I am relieved to say.

The title is a little misleading, this short vid contains part of that hearing


Significant_Chest401 t1_jcnk5ci wrote

And. . . Then there’s the city’s public school system.


numitoke t1_jcnm8q1 wrote

"Data offered by Assistant Superintendent of Schools Ivelise Velazquez to the school board shows that only 17 percent of third-graders scored at grade level on this year’s state Smarter Balance Assessment test.
By eighth grade, the percent scoring on grade level rose to 28 percent.
For math scores, 12 percent of students districtwide scored at grade level."


This is fine.


fingers t1_jcoqfu6 wrote want to increase reading levels? It is more complex than just blaming teachers/school system.

What helps children read? Stable home life. Healthy pre-natal care. Post-natal care. Healthy food and clean water. Oh, and clean air. Not to mention clean lead paint. And families that earn a thriving wage. Paying people shit wages leads to shit results.

Free day care. Or better yet, communities where day care isn't necessary because a parent does not need to work.

You know, all those things that the majority of the suburbs have.


Shellsbells821 t1_jcoz6ox wrote

Parents are a big part! My daughters were reading at 4 because I sat down with them. How many 6 year old kids that can't even speak clearly. It's not just up to teachers to teach.


koushunu t1_jcpfgp9 wrote

Also, staying back a grade /summer school does help. They need to reimplement that.

If you are floundering in any subject, it is better to understand each level, otherwise you are drowning worse and worse as you are taken up in levels, understanding less and less and becoming more frustrated, upset, angry, and sad about it. And it gets you no where but down.


fingers t1_jcrha0v wrote

I don't agree with this. Holding kids back is detrimental to their development. Expecting everyone to be on the same page at the same time is a horrible cultural norm we have adopted. Having teachers who understand flexibility and how to differentiate is much more effective.


koushunu t1_jctrdk0 wrote

I know a number of people who were held back, and all but one agreed with it and said it was a good thing.

Ideally summer school is best, or after class help.

But in the current school system where i live, children are being accredited for algebra 2 when they are actually taken aside to learn fractions and other lower maths.

If you have read the studies on “no kid left behind” it hurts almost all the students.


fingers t1_jcu69z7 wrote

Promotion or retention: Some states or districts may determine that students who fail one or more standards tests will be retained in grade for the next year. For example, recently the state of Florida announced that over 40,000 third graders would be retained based on their failure to pass the third grade test. Other states might require summer school for students who fail to meet a criterion score on one or more of the state tests. And other states and districts may not use standards tests at all for the purpose of making promotion decisions. Because research demonstrates that retention is not an effective practice, states and districts are encouraged to base promotion decisions on more comprehensive information than standards tests alone. Knowing that a test will be used to determine promotion to the next grade places a high degree of stress on students, teachers, and parents; stress by itself can negatively affect a student?s performance on these tests!

NCLB Left so many kids behind.

Nation At Risk was horrible for the nation.

America has never had great schools (or environment) for poor people.


koushunu t1_jcuw8cx wrote

Funnily enough, all the ones i knew held back, were financially pretty good. And the kids who did the best in k-8 were mostly the poorest of the kids.


fingers t1_jcv146o wrote

There are outliers. I'm an outlier. Welfare/Drug using mother. I made it out by luck.

My brother was held back a year in kindergarten. He didn't graduate high school.

We had various educational experiences. Public education. Private/Religious education. Public education. We both went to the same schools.


xxJeffFoxworthyxx t1_jcnmioy wrote

As a former city employee, I can testify that the city is not interested in compassion -- they don't even care about the safety and well-being of their own employees. City Hall is reliably terrible and the public services available to the average person in New Haven is absolutely garbage -- especially compared with Yale.

Yale and New Haven are very different places -- run by and inhabited by very different people.


buried_lede t1_jcnoq49 wrote

And yet it has its share of Yalies, at least Yale employees and some Yale graduates who do their stints in city hall


bingybunny t1_jcp49zs wrote

look at the scumbags they sent to the white house to kick the late stage capitalist can down the road


tequilamockingbird37 t1_jcnrlk1 wrote

There's definitely a crossover even if they can be very different worlds in one city. It's only my opinion but I feel like there are more yalies who become new haveners than there are new haveners becoming yalies

Either way idgaf who you are or where you're from just look before you walk out in the middle of the street and we're solid


Stezo45 t1_jcovwgq wrote

Everyday I almost kill some Yalie who very much as entitled as you can get just jets into the middle of the street


SweetMojaveRain t1_jcpqzyf wrote

Idk where youre driving but for me when i lived in edgewood it was the opposite problem, local pedestrians know they dont have to give a shit about the timed crosswalks


m11cb t1_jcn6xvz wrote

It's sad that the city spent many thousands to tear down these tents while these people are cold and vulnerable instead of offering real housing. Only 1 person from tent city was placed in temporary housing. It's horrific whats being done (I read the report on @/newhavenhousingfund)

Shame on the city and the mayor. Don't want homeless people? Increase affordable and safe housing.


HeadyRoosevelt t1_jcncx95 wrote

Did they only have one spot, or did only one person accept the temporary housing when offered?


Theomancer t1_jcnsk8m wrote

anyone know where this tent city had been? from the looks of it, it was very recluse and out of eyesight


BobMackey718 t1_jcnwflh wrote

It was in the south end of Edgewood Park, along the West River, kinda by the Westville Music Bowl but south of Rt 34. It’s not really a part of the park that people frequent and they weren’t bothering anyone, you could see some tops of the tents from the road but that’s about it.


6th__extinction t1_jcon48c wrote

That’s not Edgewood Park, the site was the intersection of the Boulevard and Post Road.


BobMackey718 t1_jcp68y1 wrote

I guess I thought that was still Edgewood Park over that way, it’s near the park at the very least.


buried_lede t1_jcp85me wrote

West River Memorial Park? It’s all continuous anyway, with Edgewood Park


6th__extinction t1_jcpdidq wrote

West River Park at the intersection of Ella T Grasso and Route 1 is not part of Frederick Law Olmsted’s Edgewood Park.


buried_lede t1_jcpemnb wrote

So what. It’s contiguous and people often mistake it for Edgewood


6th__extinction t1_jcpga8p wrote

So Edgerton Park is not the same as East Rock Park, and East Shore Park is not the same as Lighthouse Point Park. These distinct places share similarities but they are not the same.


buried_lede t1_jcpjb15 wrote

And the Mill River encampment in 2016 is not the West River encampment in 2023


flytweed t1_jcrx7xr wrote

Technically it’s off Ella Grasso Blvd, bordered one side by Derby Av/RT 34 and other side by Post Rd.


6th__extinction t1_jct47pf wrote

Are you telling me where West River Park is? The encampment was not on the Derby Ave side by 34, it was by the Post Road as I said above ⬆️


m11cb t1_jcndeuu wrote

I'm under the impression only 1 spot was available, but the report didn't get into much detail.


alamo911 t1_jcnjj3r wrote

NHI article said that social workers had been there all week and they offered to place everyone there. I think most of those people were there because they weren’t interested in help from the city in the past so I wouldn’t be surprised if only one took them up on their help


buried_lede t1_jcnnvu3 wrote

The solutions, eg homeless shelters, are almost impossible to fit in with holding down jobs and so on and a lot of other things. They can bury you deeper into poverty. If you know the scene, you understand why they’d do almost anything to avoid them. Some of the people in that tent encampment have full time jobs. Homelessness is one of the very hardest conditions to dig out of. It’s hard to explain it unless you’ve been through it or worked closely with people in it. By bulldozing this place the city has added to its troubles, as this was stable and housing is scarce and too expensive


numitoke t1_jcnnb8w wrote

No one wants to stay in the shelters because they have curfews.


funtrial t1_jcoe39g wrote

> because they have curfews.

And bedbugs, and stressed-out staff, and others who are down on their luck who sometimes are not the kindest of individuals.

SOURCE: past volunteer work


buried_lede t1_jcpck9j wrote

Yeah, that’s right because they’re partying and living the good life while you work for a living. Give me a break


numitoke t1_jcpdex2 wrote

Early to sleep, early to rise. Sounds like a key to productivity.


buried_lede t1_jcpeeag wrote

If you don’t understand it, you don’t. Go live in one and see how long you can keep it together at work. If you don’t know and continue to push your belligerent opinion, all you’re saying is you couldn’t care less, so why bother? Don’t you have better things to do ?

We get it. You are repulsed and hateful and don’t care. We’ll mail you a medal 🏅


buried_lede t1_jcp8elq wrote

And push you out the door early - it is a rattling horrible experience that makes it hard to function, get work or keep work and dig out if it


m11cb t1_jcnku8w wrote

The report I read was from a different source @/newhavenhousingfund. I am genuinely curious about what was offered by the city.

Also, seems like tent city was up for months and was a place for homeless community gatherings, and food & clothing shares, so I'm assuming they made whichever choice was more beneficial to them at the moment.


fingers t1_jcopzi1 wrote

and mental health services


buried_lede t1_jcp7m1j wrote

Although I agree on better mental health services, there are stereotypes that all homelessness is caused by mental illness which isn’t the case. No one wants to admit economics can drive you to the street — that violates all the “American Dream” narratives and that’s not allowed. In any case, housing first. Mentally ill or not, the immediate need is housing. Some of the people in tent city have full time jobs. In interviews you can see how articulate and capable they are


fingers t1_jcrhikx wrote

> Increase

That's the verb I was adding to. Not all homeless people require mental health services, but if everyone have access to them we would have a much more healthy community.


buried_lede t1_jcri9jd wrote

I agree completely but we need to adopt Housing First policies also.


SweetMojaveRain t1_jco3clw wrote

A lot of homeless wouldnt be able to maintain a steady job and remain drug free to pay bills like that even if rent was cheap. You want less homeless, being back thr asylums tbh, they just closed them not realizing that without somewhere to keep the mentally ill, they just flit in between methadone clinics and hospital Emergency departments not ever getting the help they need.


fingers t1_jcoq3rk wrote

How about Universal Basic Income? Can't work? You get money to live.

Can work but wages are shit because of capitalism? You get money to live.


SweetMojaveRain t1_jcppfsj wrote

That….completely misses what im talking about. Even IF you gave them UBI and a rent controlled apt every month, some mentally ill homeless are not of sound mind enough to understand how bills and rent works. Some are just so far gone in their demons that theyd turn that apartment into a drug den and shoot the UBI up their arm. Its sad but true. Elicker had no choice here unless he wanted to turn new haven into skid row or like those areas of philly that look like World War Z.


buried_lede t1_jcp9el0 wrote

First of all, it’s just a blatant lie that all homeless are drug addicted or mentally disabled, period, and those who are need housing not asylums. When asylums closed it was for good reason but they closed them without opening the housing and support services that were supposed to replace them.

Your comment is insensitive and ill informed. My generation grew up with the horrors of the asylums on the cover of news magazines every week until we finally shut them down. And you want to reverse a whole generation’s efforts because Ronald Reagan fucked it up by refusing to put the supports in place.


At1l t1_jcq1sgx wrote

If anyone wants to open up their home or yard for someone in need to have a place to stay that was evicted I can connect you with some of the residents.


6th__extinction t1_jcnalge wrote

title makes it sound like he was driving the bulldozer


YankeeinNCandIhateit OP t1_jcnhtpm wrote

None of this would have happened without his approval. Just look at NHI to see the damage control his political appointees like Lenny and Mehul are running that spin machine nonstop to try and contain the fallout.


AtheismTooStronk t1_jconrbf wrote

Who approved an 8 day deadline to demolish the tents? This had to pass by the mayor’s office and nothing in the article says otherwise.


6th__extinction t1_jcoohbz wrote

No one has a solution. My partner volunteers at the site, women are assaulted/raped, piles of diarrhea, drunk fights, needles, rodents, etc. 5 days ago a woman was gang raped at this site.


buried_lede t1_jcr0iwh wrote

If they could rely on police and not have to hide from police, they could enforce camp rules and prevent assaults. When someone tries to break into your house, you can call police, but this is denied to them, then we complain there is an assault!

And if your partner works with them, and you turn around and say Elicker had no choice, well, what are you saying? So is Cornell Scott recommending these camps be bulldozed? If so, Shame on them and their parochialism and short sightedness.

In the story link you sent me, the nurse even recommends they stay out of the shelters to avoid Covid, but bulldoze the camp? Is that nurse you? Your partner?

I’m not at all comfortable with your position. It’s absolutely punishing to support closing the camp


IslandStateofMind t1_jcp1v8h wrote

This was at the tent city? That’s horrific. Any reporting on this?


6th__extinction t1_jcq43dr wrote

No coverage, things like that happen more frequently than people think. A lot of the women are addicted to drugs or sex workers and aren’t comfortable talking to police. The victim of the gang rape did not speak English, for example. She was cared for at Cornell Scott.


buried_lede t1_jcpa6x8 wrote

What site? In the mill river? That article is about the Mill River in 2016. That’s not this site. What do you mean you volunteer there? What do you do? How could a volunteer be competent with homeless people if he wants to destroy their property and not offer permanent housing? Quite a “volunteer”


buried_lede t1_jcp9w21 wrote

That story is from 2016. I don’t know what your point is


xxJeffFoxworthyxx t1_jcnn59v wrote

Does it matter? He gave the order. He isn't interested in doing anything to help people -- he just wants to play Whack-a-Mole with whatever camp springs up. The very existence of a tent city means that he has failed homeless people in New Haven. He knows this and wants to get rid of an embarrassment before he tries for reelection. This camp has been there for years and now its an urgent problem? Its a stunt that will hopefully backfire.

Elicker is a failure of a public servant and this just his way of hiding his failure instead of doing anything to treat the problem. New Haven shelters are overcrowded, dangerous, unsanitary, and degrading -- and his solution is to funnel more people into them? People want to avoid shelters for a reason -- people don't just deny help for no reason. They deny help because they don't trust the city -- and who can blame them?

There will just another camp in a few months. Homelessness is getting worse and worse and it won't go away by dismantling a few tents.


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcopd1n wrote

Ok but let’s be honest a large number of the homeless are not originally from New Haven but have come here from surrounding towns. This has to be state wide solution. Having a place that causes such tremendous problems in the city is not a solution.


WholeComparison130 t1_jcovdgw wrote

I don’t understand why so many people keep saying this. What changes about the situation if someone is homeless in New Haven but grew up elsewhere? I grew up in another town but I’m a resident here now


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcovx6u wrote

Because it means that New Haven doesn’t just have a city problem but a county and state problem which means we can’t fix it just by providing housing for New Haven residents it means that we bare the brunt economically in a city where poverty is already wide spread while the wealthier towns push their problems onto us. This has to be fixed statewide with housing provided in other towns and cities who have the nimby mentality. We can’t do it all.


buried_lede t1_jcpames wrote

That doesn’t justify bulldozing this encampment.


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcpv43q wrote

If this was on your doorstep endangering your kids and you couldn’t afford to move, you would think twice about your comment. I am not saying it should’ve been bulldozed I am saying that it isn’t simple and saying don’t do it and not reckoning with the harm it is doing to an already impoverished neighborhood is being naive. May I suggest you live next to it for a year with drunks, drugs, assaults, garbage and human feces in your front yard. Not to mention the mentally ill who can attack you both physically and verbally.

This a problem that needs to be fixed compassionately for both the residents of the tents and the residents of the neighborhood.


xxJeffFoxworthyxx t1_jcq7ch1 wrote

That’s just the thing: this wasn’t fixed compassionately.

The city just scattered them. Nobody who lived there is any better off now.

I wouldn’t call that compassion.


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcqq0dz wrote

I agree but not understanding why people just want a festering problem to go away is why we end up here. It needed to have been addressed a long time ago. It needed to have been addressed over five years ago when we had the homeless encampment down by the mill River.


buried_lede t1_jcqw022 wrote

I understand why someone would want a festering problem to go away. I have felt that way myself but shouting that out publicly means that’s the part of the views I hold that I want heard the most and what should shape public policy. That’s the last thing I’d do, because I think it makes terrible public policy and solves nothing. I remind myself these are human beings we are talking about. And for every wandering person who seems dangerous or maybe has been violent there are 10 who are just trying to get out of poverty

You realize everyone living in the encampment is now scattered around new haven’s neighborhoods really at a loss and way more likely to appear in your life now than before. You realize they are 10 times needier when their possessions are destroyed, and the city has done this multiple times over the years, thus increasing new haven’s burden. He’s pushed them back to the New Haven Green and other neighborhoods

They should have donated a couple Porto potties to the site and left it in place until a solution could be found but the city is lacking in imagination and any guts..

I don’t know why Elicker was in such a panic over an allegedly “ permanent fixture” he thought they were building ( a shower? I don’t know) it’s not like that gives them any new legal status he has to worry about.

Towns have been pressured to do more and many of them are trying to catch up to state law minimums for affordable housing now, finally, but bottom line, most gravitate to new haven anyway because it’s compact and loaded with public transportation

You say the encampment is causing so many problems, then talk about desperate people causing problems on “your doorstep”, well, bulldozing the camp put desperate people on doorsteps and sidewalks and the Green etc. The camp was solving a problem better than that


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcqxxkn wrote

I would guess he received a lot of pressure from someone.

I agree this is a growing problem around the country and I would like to see the state address the problem. We need to provide stable affordable or free housing for people who are unable to take care of themselves or need a little help.

But people cannot just look at one side of the issue. They must understand all sides and the force this exerts on public policy to be able to deal the the problem appropriately. How many of the people here on this forum have attempted political and social solutions? All we hear is wringing of hand and gnashing of teeth and then surprised pikachu face when something happens like this instead of attempting to find a solution. How many become active in truly addressing this problem? How many will try to force our elected officials to find a solution? Collectively we are all to blame.

the problem is that people act like this is a singular problem and don’t solve the problem and of course they will just find some where else to start a new camp.


buried_lede t1_jcrr9jo wrote

True about people needing to be involved, but if you view the public hearings on this, a lot of people are involved, and they know a lot, they don’t just gnash their teeth, they approach the city with ideas. The city responds to those ideas by utterly ignoring them and going in with a bulldozer, so I guess it takes even more people, and discovering more levers to pull. I guess you have to get the chamber of commerce on board

I don’t know what it is about getting elected in New haven but the minute you do, you become a rock on the bottom of a stream with no eyes, ears, heart, etc


OpelSmith t1_jcr20hh wrote

okay but the camp was next to a river, next to a soccer field, across from a cemetery. Not on your doorstep or anyone's, so what are you going on about


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcrba3m wrote

Yeah that’s what they said about the camp at mill river. But my neighborhood was one of the closest and we dealt with the fall out for several years. We finally moved because we were unwilling to deal with it anymore. You can say ohh there are not bothering anyone. But they are, ask the closest neighborhood.


OpelSmith t1_jcref65 wrote

No, you're just making up BS. I know you're making up BS because I'm bothered by homeless people all the time near my apartment downtown. I'm pretty sure one of our regulars on the corner came into our part-business building, saw my keys on the outside of my apartment door, stole them, and stole my bike in turn with them. And it all still happens without there being a tent city here.

All the packages and bikes stolen in East Rock keep on happening with Mill River camp gone too. Weird


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcsaoxj wrote

Lol. Not BS. S$#t on the sidewalk. Bottles, syringes and condoms everywhere. Occasional druggie wandering around as well as the mentally it all happened to me.


OpelSmith t1_jcta0u9 wrote

Why is all this still happening without the camps then???


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jctder6 wrote

Not sure to what you were referring but here is my timeline.

Lived happily in my neighborhood 5+ years

Encampment developed - big mess

We moved out after a year or so

They bulldozed the encampment -mess disappeared

I am not talking about packages on doorsteps. I am talking human excrement, used condoms, garbage every where, and encounters with druggies and mentally ill people regularly


xxJeffFoxworthyxx t1_jcu7tqh wrote

Yeah, and none of that is solved — it just isn’t on your doorstep anymore. None of those people have been helped.

You didn’t want a compassionate solution — you wanted to stop being personally bothered by it.


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcv4vi3 wrote

Nowhere have I said they should’ve bulldozed. I have not advocated for that ever. Notice I just moved, but I did advocate, send letters, met with the council person and tried to effect change that would help these people become housed. I however empathize with both sides. When they emptied out the mill river neighborhood’s encampment they just moved to the other side of the city. I feel that free and affordable housing should be available to help people in a tough spot. Bulldozing is not the answer. Solving the housing and drug crisis is the answer.

Somehow you want me to be the bad guy here, not sure why.


OpelSmith t1_jctikfi wrote

Yeah I'm referring to the latter part, that it ever really stopped


Old_Size9060 t1_jcpe631 wrote

Yeah, but all these facts are getting in the way of my efforts to interpret this in binary good vs. evil terms! /s


TrashPandaShire t1_jcpjypz wrote

A while back during one of their many New Haven issues, the mayor was live streamed while talking to the committee. He is completely out of touch.


MochaUnicorn369 t1_jcnwr4t wrote

Let’s hope Elicker doesn’t get reëlected.


buried_lede t1_jcpb5qt wrote

He’s the darling of the East Rockers


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcpw6v5 wrote

Yeah but they are the ones who vote. You want change go vote and get your friends to vote.


buried_lede t1_jcqx7sr wrote

You’ve been presuming a lot about me, that I don’t vote, that I have no experience living in difficult neighborhoods. Why don’t you stop it


Marlinspikehall32 t1_jcqyahz wrote

Lol I have no desire to be an elected official. the choices for mayor were all horrible. I have no wish to become a politician but I do vote, write letters participate in online meeting with our elected officials.


6th__extinction t1_jct5ket wrote

You didn’t do anything to help the homeless people, but you sure make a lot of noise about it. Put up or..


buried_lede t1_jcu1j7x wrote

I don’t know if you are aware that you are leaving the impression Cornell Scott supported bulldozing the camp


6th__extinction t1_jcvmkyw wrote

Lol by volunteering time on Friday nights treating members at the encampment? Explain to me how that is “support for bulldozing” the encampment..?


buried_lede t1_jcvpgxo wrote

You pointed to crime and health conditions at the camp

You said Elicker had no choice but to bulldoze the camp.

You said your partner worked with the camp and posted a story about the head of Cornell Scott’s homeless outreach director ( confused - your partner? It wasn’t clear)

All suggesting this might be the position of the homeless healthcare outreach program, so maybe you could clarify that


numitoke t1_jcnme2b wrote


Even when they knew they were being removed from the area, why didn't they take their tents with them or clean up the rest of their trash? Instead, tax payers of the city are paying to clean it up.


Dingareth t1_jcmwwuq wrote

Good. You can't just pitch a tent anywhere and try to live wherever you want.


AtheismTooStronk t1_jcoo1t0 wrote

Homeless people sleeping in doorways downtown? I sleep.

Homeless people setting up tents in a park away from the general public? Real shit.

Where should homeless people be able to sleep in your opinion? Should it be illegal to be homeless?


Dingareth t1_jcp09fz wrote

Yes, it should not be allowed to just squat on public property. We should do what Salt Lake City did- do a thorough inventory of the homeless population (not just trying to count them one day a year) and use that info to build or convert dorm style housing with on premises social workers. Those that just need a stable environment for a bit to get back on their feet will transfer out, and those that aren't able to function in a modern society will get the help that they need.

We're the richest country in the world and the homeless population disproportionally uses emergency services because we refuse to take any preventative measures to keep people off the street. We can afford to give people a minimum floor to their lives, but you have activists that think shitting in public is a lifestyle choice and not a problem to be solved.


AtheismTooStronk t1_jcp0f4b wrote

Of course I would give them empty houses and apartments if I could, but nobody is doing that. So do you make it illegal to sleep outside in the meantime because life should be another way for them but isn’t?

And again, that program sounds great but it isn’t currently happening at this moment in Connecticut, but this is.


buried_lede t1_jcpawum wrote

The activists are asking for the same thing you’re proposing so I don’t know why you have to set yourself up as an opponent


Old_Size9060 t1_jcpemm9 wrote

Truly - it’s a bizarre way of sidestepping the actual problem of rapacious capitalism that benefits a tiny oligarchy.


Old_Size9060 t1_jcpejcd wrote

If you want to lay this at the feet of “activists” - well, that’s where you lose the thread. Homelessness is not a problem because of activists who refuse to engage in reality lol


OpelSmith t1_jcmzs87 wrote

If they had set up camp in like the middle of Edgewood ave, then I'd agree
