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WeirdFrog t1_jd7w1ns wrote

I don't know about prices, but 228 CCF for 1100 sq ft is crazy. We've got double that space and our last bill was 107 CCF. The marvels of modern insulation I guess.


newmoon23 t1_jd7zvpq wrote

I live in a ~1400 sq. foot 2 floor home with finished basement and my current bill is 91 CCF. I have gas for heat, hot water, and stove. My total bill is $152.

Something is wrong /u/ApizzSavant. Are you keeping your thermostat at 70 all the time?? Is it a programable thermostat so that the temp can go down at night and during the day while you're at work?


ApizzSavant OP t1_jd8b7rc wrote

70 most of the time. A bit down if sleeping. Try to turn it off or low when going out. I work from home too worth mentioning.


newmoon23 t1_jd8d71v wrote

You really should consider turning it down while you sleep and when you leave the house. If you can get a programmable thermostat it will pay for itself in the savings. Your home doesn’t need to be 70 degrees when you’re asleep.

Mine is set at 68 when I’m home and down to 62 when I’m away/sleeping.


ApizzSavant OP t1_jd8e7sl wrote

Awesome. Good idea with the programmable thermostat


buried_lede t1_jd9rzxn wrote

With that lifestyle you would probably benefit from weatherizing/insulation. Working from home too - utilities are more

Your best bet is turning down at night and adding a blanket. If you are at a desk during the day, not moving around, you want to be cozy. So, when you’re sleeping might be your best opportunity. Try 69 during the day ( no pun intended, lol)


elmcityboy t1_jd7xm2x wrote

wow yeah, i just checked my gas bill and i used 38 CCF on my most expensive bill of the year. i have a one-bedroom on the top floor of a three family, think it's around 800 sq. ft with low-ish ceilings. i keep my thermostat at 65.


HouseKaylord t1_jd8487z wrote

Lack of insulation and the temperature you keep your house at is probably contributing. We keep our house, which is same size as yours, at between 60-64 degrees and our bill was $115 last month.

I’d recommend turning your thermostat down when you aren’t home and are sleeping to save money. If these don’t have an effect than there might be a problem with your meter - but I suspect the high temperature is the primary contributer to your costs.


ApizzSavant OP t1_jd8b1wu wrote

I'll try lowering the temp to your range and see how she goes.


HouseKaylord t1_jd8w05b wrote

It’s definitely a colder temperature range than I’d prefer but hate paying SCG more than I hate being cold lol.


Peach_Leaves t1_jd8um8y wrote

My bill was $200 for a two bedroom house, and we kept it on 70-72 during the day and 68 at night.


paddyboombotz t1_jd82uqu wrote

I’d look into it. That seems really high. I have a two bedroom apartment with (thankfully) new windows and my gas bill is a little under 200.


Pravadeus t1_jd9daxe wrote

East Rock family home, 5 of us in top two floors (~1800 sq ft) pay an average between $500-$600/month in the winter with Apple Oil. Oil prices have more than doubled since we moved in two years ago, the house is poorly insulated, and we're required to keep the house at 55 so it's always set to 55. I think others have given great ideas for why it's so expensive (insulation, temp, use, space, etc).


Same_Pay_8419 t1_jd9jrgg wrote

Make sure the meter is only measuring the gas coming into your apartment and you aren't paying to heat your neighbors apartments


NATO1092 t1_jd9m8py wrote

I keep my 1300sf house at 60 at night and 65 during the day my usage is 80ccf and bill around 175 200


wp4nuv t1_jd9udes wrote

Similar for me. I was floored when I saw the bill. Most if the cost is for fuel purchase. Thing is, this apartment is small, 2 bedroom only, but drafty as hell. LL has received info on incentives for insulation/windows, but nothing so far. Our rent is sub for this area due to a very steep driveway that most won’t accept, so we’re stuck until we buy a house… whenever that happens. Our thermostat is the older puck-type, so no C cable. I’ve been on the fence about an adjustable thermostat, but we rent.


snake-oiler t1_jdafjcg wrote

How hot is your water heater set?


chronicallyawkward64 t1_jdag4to wrote

I live in an older house, 2 br, 3rd floor, and in the winter my gas is commonly around the $300 mark. i keep it around 65-68, and lately 68-70 because i can't stand being cold, and I am still cold all the time with hoodies, multiple blankets, space heaters and a heated blanket.


Extreme-Cupcake5929 t1_jd8hnn5 wrote

Is your stove gas also ?

And only use the heat when you need to


poorlywrittenriffs t1_jd8mvgc wrote

I have a similar living situation. Old multi family home, first floor, poor insulation. I keep it at 60° all the time except in the evening i turn it up between 68 and 70. Before going to bed it’s back to 60°. Of course if guests were over I’d bump it up too. The difference in bill was maybe $125 compared to when i had it on all day like you described.


ApizzSavant OP t1_jd8pddr wrote

This is good information. Definitely will follow the same routine. Tempted to install a smarter thermostat in as well...but we're already into spring. I'll wait.


StuckBehindASkoolBus t1_jdakcdn wrote

2 Bedroom 1500 sq foot apartment in a multifamily house. 95 CCF and got charged $157.70 last month. We keep it at 67-68. Everything gas and we work from home and cook frequently.


yankeeinparadise t1_jdaxkq0 wrote

I work from home and keep ours between 60-63 all winter. Exception was those sub-zero 2 days in Feb when I jacked it up to 68. If/when kids/spouse complain I remind them of their warm slippers and sweaters.


kn0ck_0ut t1_jdbille wrote

4 bedroom house over here, our average is $500, it’s a bigger place so I get it’s more, but that’s still really ridiculous. especially factoring in that we keep the thermostat below 70 all of the time.