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vegetarian_slut t1_ispqice wrote

One time I wanted to walk in out of curiosity. It was locked so I peeked inside. It was completely empty besides a folding chair directly in front of a small TV from the 90's. It was super fucking eerie.


TableTopFarmer t1_isp1i3l wrote

Don't do it unless you want to give up all you own to Scientology.


dataexcavater t1_isqaxtn wrote

Based on the sign, I think some Scientology goes on there.


doubleFdoubleN t1_ispftjj wrote

They also own the old Masonic Temple across street that they've been trying to rehab for years.


AdministrativeYak859 t1_isqmuv0 wrote

They will feel you out, offer tech/ audit. Deep dive your background(google) for financial / exploitable info. Make yo feel heard and in control.


froghag t1_isqyzod wrote

cult activity


Ecofre-33919 t1_isroirf wrote

I bought dianetics when it first came out in the 80’s. Then the famous article about what it is came out in time magazine. I took that book to the back yard and burned it. I feel bad for anyone caught up in that scam. But not for nothing - if you get caught up in it now a days - why the hell didn’t you google it first? I mean come on!


flutexgirl t1_isqrj8w wrote

I went in there with my bf at the time and gave them fake names. They seemed surprised that we came in and whispered "we have visitors!" And everyone came out from the back and sat in the front room for the "service". The daughter of the guy who founded it read a section of some LRon Hubbard book and we just sat there awkwardly. We then talked a little bit and lied about where we were from (I lived right across the street at the time). Then we left! It was boring, they seemed normal for the most part besides the whole scientology thing.


capathripa t1_isscnll wrote

Not at the New Haven one, but I had a similar experience with an ex bf many years ago. We walked into a Scientology place, gave fake names, and when the guy left the room to go get some materials, my bf rifled through the trash and found a script they use to suss you out. We left, it was very creepy.


GetRightNYC t1_isrpviy wrote

They used to have a shop down the street next to the galleries and had open door and "workers" who would hand out flyers outside. Much more of a "come on in!" place. After the anonymous stuff, and the crowds that would protest outside all day happened, closed that one and bought this building. They also own the old brick building across the street. Don't know much about what goes on there now.


SAD_3Y3S t1_isrew38 wrote

Not very sciencey it’s like walking into stranger things or whatever these kids watch nowadays


Skunkman2011 t1_issecr0 wrote

I drive by this every day to get to unh and I have not seen a single person walk in or out of that building since I moved into my apartment in August 🤠


[deleted] t1_isslq5e wrote

No. Nope. No thank you. Newp.


mostlymadig t1_isrrhon wrote

They allegedly have a number of real estate holdings, like most other modern day religions. In New Haven makes alot of sense as plenty of powerful folks pass thru. I knew they were in NH but I figured it'd be... cleaner.


elmcityboy t1_issvhqt wrote

they used to offer free "personality tests" -- maybe you could ask for one of those?


TrashPandaShire t1_ist417f wrote

Are they Pepe’s, Sally’s or Xenu cheese bread?


6th__extinction t1_ispswzp wrote

I know someone that works here, happy to put you in touch lol
