Submitted by EscapeFromTexas t3_ygyg52 in newhaven

We've been struggling to find a place that accepts our pets and fits our needs, but there might be one coming up by the marina. Reviews of the neighborhood here aren't that great but driving through today it didn't seem that bad, except in localized areas.



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HartfordResident t1_iub7ztx wrote

The area near the waterfront (where the fancy restaurants are) is quite nice, with a mix of homeowners and renters. If you go a couple blocks in from that it's considered to be a very low-income area on average, though there are some very stable, safe areas in pockets.


EscapeFromTexas OP t1_iub8kc9 wrote

The place is right on Front street, there's working-class homes around there but I didn't get the "dangerous ghetto" vibe that Reddit is talking about.


HartfordResident t1_iubd6uc wrote

There's a fairly large contrast between that area and some of the blocks near the center of the neighborhood.


6th__extinction t1_iucq4rs wrote

If you can see the river, we call it Fair Haven Heights



brew-ski t1_iud9vl4 wrote

Fair Haven Heights is east of the Quinnipiac River, and there's a big hill thus the Heights


kw0711 t1_iubd7bw wrote

Front street isn’t bad, especially if you’re right on the river


EscapeFromTexas OP t1_iubfbsv wrote

Yeah? Cool. It's right across from the Oyster Bar


shhhhnotsoloud t1_iubhtvr wrote

Sounds like you’re moving in to my old apt! Honestly it’s a great place! I would take my kid for walks almost daily and it was always safe. I just wouldn’t go further than one block inland bc of the weed smoke and drug paraphernalia and condoms littered on the sidewalks, which you still sometime see on front street but hey, you live in a city.


ExtraSpicyMayonnaise t1_iubpde4 wrote

That area isn mostly fine. I live across the River on Q Ave. I love living on the River.


EscapeFromTexas OP t1_iubph4j wrote

Does it ever flood?


ExtraSpicyMayonnaise t1_iubppzr wrote

I have only lived here for 2 years. Prior, I lived downtown.

In the event of a hurricane there could potentially be a storm surge and the water levels could rise high enough to flood. I sit on a nice piece of bedrock that protects my house. I honestly have more issues with the flooding at the storm drains when it rains so far than I have had with the river.


HartfordResident t1_iuebgso wrote

A massive hurricane hitting at high tide isn't that likely at all, but possible. The Sound offers some protection over the open ocean, but very low lying areas are definitely at risk if it happens.


coledubs24 t1_iue29gv wrote

I’m on front myself. It’s perfectly fine and although controversial, it’s gentrifying quickly. A great place to live and that oyster bar is amazing fwiw


EscapeFromTexas OP t1_iue36fn wrote

I get the feeling that a lot of the negative posts are people who are uncomfortable in ethnic spaces.


coledubs24 t1_iuf1erw wrote

New Haven and fair haven did used to be much worse. In the 90s and early 2000’s crime was pretty bad. It’s completely turned around now I’d say since 2012-2015. But you’ll still hear the boomers talk about how “dangerous” it is cuz they watch the news all day. This area in the city is awesome. NHV is hands down the best city in CT


EscapeFromTexas OP t1_iufbb9k wrote

I’ve been here only for a few months and I love it. Feels like home for the first time in a long time.


Benergii t1_iuglgu0 wrote

Ehhhh ever been to Stamford...? Stamford Center itself wrecks new haven.

"NHV best city" just city for what? Seriously name 3 bests please(not yale).

Best Spot to jump on the train and leave, maybe. Best pizza, definitely the best pizza in CT...truth. Best barbers in CT...I'd say yes, but I want an excuse for pizza (:


m11cb t1_iub8w3q wrote

Its really not that bad. There are some low income neighborhoods throughout the city, including fair haven, but most people just mind their business + are generally friendly. Obviously, there are occasional outliers but you should be fine.


EscapeFromTexas OP t1_iud8k5e wrote

It’s a city, that is to be expected. People gotta live somewhere.


6th__extinction t1_iubah6o wrote

Anywhere right off Grand or Ferry is that bad. Pockets are that bad. Lots of drugs, sex workers at night, and it’s easily the loudest neighborhood. Probably the most culturally rich part of town, Grand Ave is what I imagine Wooster St was 70 years ago. Fair Haven Health is expanding their footprint, and that will probably cue some gentrification in coming years. edit: No one receives a package in Fair Haven


beaveristired t1_iubase7 wrote

It’s fine by the river. Front Street is safe. I’ve known several people who’ve lived down that way with no issues. Nice old historic homes, beautiful views, good community vibe. Events like weekly farmer’s market and Quinnipiac River festival. New restaurants. Local groups to get involved with like Chatham Square Neighborhood Association and Q River cleanups. The surrounding areas have some crime but are also pretty vibrant, heart of the city’s Latino population, lots of restaurants and small businesses.


cdoc777 t1_iubcfvu wrote

I lived in lower Fairhaven near Front St. I currently live up in Fairhaven Heights. Not one problem. Diverse neighborhoods and happy with living in both places.


Morgan_3D t1_iubj4zh wrote

i lived on front street for 9 years and it was great but some shady stuff goes on at night. Moved to north haven and it is much quieter and safer but when i was younger fair haven was great and we regularly rode our bikes to downtown etc. Overall good community. Houses on front street are old "oyster" houses that are generally small and poorly constructed.


TheyCallMeTylee t1_iuc6dkb wrote

Pro Fairhaven

  • Front St homeownwe of 3 years.

m11cb t1_iub8zmn wrote

Its really not that bad. There are some low income neighborhoods throughout the city, including fair haven, but most people just mind their business + are generally friendly. Obviously, there are occasional outliers but you should be fine.


flytweed t1_iuc2mj4 wrote

Fair Haven gets an undeserved very bad reputation. Yes you will be fine there… It pains me to say it but Fair Haven is poised to become a hot neighborhood with rising rents to follow. I hope I’m wrong about the rents, but even other sections of Fair Haven may soon have rising commercial rents- nearby Armada Brewery just built out a vacant structure and created a new home, upscale Valentino Tailors opened on the other end of Grand, and we all can foresee new apartment developments being proposed, based on city-wide trends.


6th__extinction t1_iucqoou wrote

Multiple times I see the moderator of this very forum, u/MattFantastic claim New Haven is not being gentrified. I assume the gentrification benefits his business(es).

The entire city is changing, rapidly, and in one direction.


MattFantastic t1_iud8jo3 wrote

That’s a unfair oversimplification of things I’ve said and I’ve certainly never said that there is no gentrification happening in the city. Development in a city is complicated and multifaceted and if I’ve talked about it, it’s been primarily around downtown development and my desire to see vacant lots turned into buildings. Which I think is a good thing for everyone, in every neighborhood. And yeah no shit, it benefits my business to have more people living in walking distance around it and less sketchy vacant lots.

And not that I feel the need to really get deep into it here, but you seem to be wildly off base about my overall politics. I’d love to see every property in the city be owner occupied or part of a renters co-op. I’m actively anti-capitalist and think corporations should be abolished with most things being treated as public utilities. For example, I’m the lowest paid out of anyone at Elm City Games and recently converted the design studio I (now used to) own into a worker owned co-op, elevating everyone (previously) working for me to an equal partner. But I also think pragmatically and recognize that in the actual real world we exist in right now, it’s not worker co-ops constructing 400 unit apartment buildings over neglected vacant lots.

Also what a weird place to try and call me out for something?


flytweed t1_iud9wjj wrote

Don’t sweat that. I always appreciate your thoughts…


tym2983 t1_iuczmng wrote

Just stay away from that Grand/Ferry/Poplar St area.


greysuru t1_iuhluqr wrote

That's My Post Office.

Sorry, I don't like to waste gas just so I can luxuriously zip over to Brewery Street.


Historical_Nobody_99 t1_iuffh16 wrote

I’m in what’s considered fair haven and it’s not terrible but there are bad areas just as there are bad areas everywhere. Grand avenue is like the Bronx, it’s mostly Hispanic people and stores. I stay away only because it’s crazy there. Music blasting, people running out in the street in front of you without looking, people everywhere asking for money


Time_Yam301 t1_iudn5uo wrote

The problem with Fair Haven is really more the housing stock. This was not a neighborhood of brick rowhouses, and what's there hasn't aged well. It looks much worse than it actually is.

I wouldn't be surprised if the city rezones it gradually. The location is really great.


coledubs24 t1_iue1ze2 wrote

I love right on the Quinnipiac River in Fair Haven. We absolutely love it. I’ve lived here for 9 year now and have no no issues. It’s certainly on of New Haven’s up and coming neighborhoods. Fair Haven Oyster Bar and Armada Brewing opening up here is just further proof of this.

I can’t speak on interior Fair Haven, but Front st, Quinnipiac Ave and Lenox st are all great places to live. The new raised cross walks on Front have done wonders to keep the motorbikes and loud cars away too.


greysuru t1_iuhmptg wrote

You're moving in. There are specific "cons" you will want to know about. Here's my take:

  1. Tweed air traffic is very loud and low-flying. Few times a day.

  2. Prowlers. Kids that walk around, try your car door, and check to see if bicycles are unlocked. Install a motion activated light.

  3. Loud cars. It's part of the vibe.

  4. Places you should be cautious of. AKA welcome to human society.

I've lived on Downing St for six years and I bike to work downtown, shop at C-town, and I love it.


Budakaman t1_iuiksfs wrote

Stay out if you’re white, just don’t go.


Lizardpartay t1_iucvttz wrote

It’s very bad lmao why are these people here saying f otherwise


baltimorebulletheads t1_iud78iu wrote

All the Havens are ass. East, West, North. No haven for anyone


Benergii t1_iugkhjd wrote

Preach!! The haven Trolls stay up on that hard flacca wakka downvoting the trSquash! ! .10centaurs for every downvote squad!


Benergii t1_iucyacv wrote

If you've got pets sure you'll enjoy the area...after dark make sure you carry or are near someone you know has a CWP and carrier. If you have kids stay the helllll away from new haven. Better yet FLEE CONNECTICUT IF YOU VALUE YOUR FAMILY!
