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flytweed t1_iuc2mj4 wrote

Fair Haven gets an undeserved very bad reputation. Yes you will be fine there… It pains me to say it but Fair Haven is poised to become a hot neighborhood with rising rents to follow. I hope I’m wrong about the rents, but even other sections of Fair Haven may soon have rising commercial rents- nearby Armada Brewery just built out a vacant structure and created a new home, upscale Valentino Tailors opened on the other end of Grand, and we all can foresee new apartment developments being proposed, based on city-wide trends.


6th__extinction t1_iucqoou wrote

Multiple times I see the moderator of this very forum, u/MattFantastic claim New Haven is not being gentrified. I assume the gentrification benefits his business(es).

The entire city is changing, rapidly, and in one direction.


MattFantastic t1_iud8jo3 wrote

That’s a unfair oversimplification of things I’ve said and I’ve certainly never said that there is no gentrification happening in the city. Development in a city is complicated and multifaceted and if I’ve talked about it, it’s been primarily around downtown development and my desire to see vacant lots turned into buildings. Which I think is a good thing for everyone, in every neighborhood. And yeah no shit, it benefits my business to have more people living in walking distance around it and less sketchy vacant lots.

And not that I feel the need to really get deep into it here, but you seem to be wildly off base about my overall politics. I’d love to see every property in the city be owner occupied or part of a renters co-op. I’m actively anti-capitalist and think corporations should be abolished with most things being treated as public utilities. For example, I’m the lowest paid out of anyone at Elm City Games and recently converted the design studio I (now used to) own into a worker owned co-op, elevating everyone (previously) working for me to an equal partner. But I also think pragmatically and recognize that in the actual real world we exist in right now, it’s not worker co-ops constructing 400 unit apartment buildings over neglected vacant lots.

Also what a weird place to try and call me out for something?


flytweed t1_iud9wjj wrote

Don’t sweat that. I always appreciate your thoughts…