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Educational_Map919 t1_iueafnb wrote

Have you met drunk 22 year olds?

Considering what just happened in Seoul I think it's rather tame and in the area this type of behavior is supposed to occur.

Seems like an insignificant thing to bitch about but hey this is the internet after all.

Just hope OP avoids downtown the Sunday before March 17th.


Shellsbells821 t1_iuenacl wrote

Yeah I have and sadly. Like the rest of their generation, they think they can do anything they want and not face consequences.

"Supposed to occur". That right there is the problem. No respect for other people's belongings. I hope they get caught and get arrested. They should be made to clean up and pay for the destruction.


Educational_Map919 t1_iuethsj wrote

Yes I'm sure no other generation destroyed public property outside a night club..

If this destruction was on top of easy rock where there aren't 20 establishments over serving people for profit I might see your point.


John_Matrix_ t1_iuha8dd wrote

Stop it. This is new Haven's 9/11 and recent FL hurricane.