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AtheismTooStronk OP t1_iud24a8 wrote

There’s obviously more than just the one picture, but I just got off the bus and wanted to get the fuck home.

Fuck the Rize crowd. Bunch of literal children.


flytweed t1_iud9jhp wrote

Actually, lots of social media of crowds as part of another organized bar crawl right by there. I believe outside party-organizers running these things holiday-themed. Wouldn’t be surprised if Town Green District people lead an effort to restrict them soon.


damn_thats_piney t1_iuevbxv wrote

tf is rize?


agrace1902 t1_iugk2m3 wrote

It’s a nightclub that’s pretty popular among collage kids, I’ve heard about it a bit in my time at SCSU but clubbing isn’t my cup of tea. The above picture seems to be the carnage left behind from a) freshman who aren’t with mommy and daddy for the first time and b) sophomores/juniors who are experiencing their first semester w no covid restrictions


micmahsi t1_iugpl7e wrote

It has 2 stars on Google reviews. Can’t be that popular.


Shiep t1_iuhfjmg wrote

They said popular, not good.


IMNOT_A_LAWYER t1_iuge379 wrote

A quick google tells me it’s a nightclub.

I haven’t lived downtown in a few years, so I was also unfamiliar with it.


stealyurbase t1_iudso48 wrote

Alcohol sucks. Smoke weed.


bitchy_ellipsis t1_iuerc4i wrote

We need some fuckin rec dispensaries already


joozylemonz t1_iugk4qk wrote

Hamden Bazaar is basically a bootleg dispensary


MCFRESH01 t1_iuhzus4 wrote

Wasn’t it shutdown a while ago? Also screw paying $20 admission fee to just go in somewhere I am going to spend more money. Vendors should cover those costs.


VincenzoDR t1_iuen1nt wrote

Jeez, don't people know it's possible to party and not be total jerks?


OpelSmith t1_iueliiu wrote

This is so sad. Temple plaza is actually a nice place to chill in good weather when it's not actively being destroyed by the nightclub scene


kalemeh8 t1_iue4vi2 wrote

Got to listen to this carnage from like noon to 3am yesterday … plaza honestly looked better than I thought it would this AM


downtownnhv t1_iugdluv wrote

This is a discouraging set back for Temple Plaza that saddens us, but it will not stop us from continuing to improve your downtown public spaces for your enjoyment!


lfc220 t1_iuelo8t wrote

That's awful. I know right where that area is - used to walk through every once in a while. Sorry to anyone who has to deal with the repercussions.


[deleted] t1_iudhqgj wrote



AtheismTooStronk OP t1_iudigf2 wrote

Yeah man the lamp posts were broken in two. You might even say, god forbid, ripped apart.


[deleted] t1_iudjtkj wrote



AtheismTooStronk OP t1_iudkp7f wrote

Do you not see the frayed wires sticking out from the top? Most of these housings on the ground were smashed, or had pieces missing from them.

Like literally every pole has frayed exposed wires sticking out the top and you’re like “lol they took them apart gently and placed all the pieces on the ground”


greysuru t1_iuhlgbb wrote

Does anyone know whom to ask about hurrying up and fixing it? I don't think the drink kids should be arrested... Nor the whole group blamed ... Obviously not nice behavior, but I bet it was one or two kids desperate for attention or trying to impress girls.

As someone from New Haven I can say this is not new. Imagine the time and money Yale pours into maintaining their properties, after damage done by students or otherwise. New Haven will have to do the same because people suck.


SweetMojaveRain t1_iud9xpu wrote

A bit of trash on the ground?


AtheismTooStronk OP t1_iudagqc wrote

Those black posts are all lamps, or were. The white things on the ground is the bulb housing.

Every single one in the plaza is like this, there are like 8 more not in the picture.


SweetMojaveRain t1_iudmlwe wrote

Damn, that nightclub is a problem child it’s been like that since they opened


kalemeh8 t1_iue53we wrote

Nightclub is def gonna get raided and shut down


telenyP t1_iufasz9 wrote

That looks like a few pieces of litter. IDEAT has done worse...and picked up after ourselves.


Educational_Map919 t1_iudf935 wrote

That plaza is just a fucking alleyway with astro turf and bar patios, who gives a shit?

Fuck man, it's a city not a national park.


Shellsbells821 t1_iudof71 wrote

Doesn't give ANYONE the right to touch and destroy something that isn't theirs! Don't people learn that at 5 years old?

I hope there were cameras. Catch the little jerks.


Educational_Map919 t1_iueafnb wrote

Have you met drunk 22 year olds?

Considering what just happened in Seoul I think it's rather tame and in the area this type of behavior is supposed to occur.

Seems like an insignificant thing to bitch about but hey this is the internet after all.

Just hope OP avoids downtown the Sunday before March 17th.


Shellsbells821 t1_iuenacl wrote

Yeah I have and sadly. Like the rest of their generation, they think they can do anything they want and not face consequences.

"Supposed to occur". That right there is the problem. No respect for other people's belongings. I hope they get caught and get arrested. They should be made to clean up and pay for the destruction.


Educational_Map919 t1_iuethsj wrote

Yes I'm sure no other generation destroyed public property outside a night club..

If this destruction was on top of easy rock where there aren't 20 establishments over serving people for profit I might see your point.


John_Matrix_ t1_iuha8dd wrote

Stop it. This is new Haven's 9/11 and recent FL hurricane.


paragonemerald t1_iug9trf wrote

I have lunch there almost every day. I'd really like it if all of the lights that they only installed a month ago weren't vandalized


MCFRESH01 t1_iui09r7 wrote

So it should be trashed by a bunch of drunk morons? This is the attitude that makes cities and neighborhoods deteriorate and cause people to stop coming down here. It’s not acceptable at all.