Submitted by JmnyCrckt87 t3_ysblb8 in newhaven

Hi everyone! I'm going to be downtown New Haven with the wife and 2 young kiddos for 5 days in December. We are going to surely do meals with friends, and a day trip to NYC...but, do you have any recommendations for things we can do *without a car, with a 5 and 7 year old around downtown in the winter? I'm hoping we get some snow and I can get them over to Edgerton Park for some sledding!



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Sweaty_Conclusion_80 t1_ivy6289 wrote

You can hike to East Rock depending on how cold it is, there’s a ropes adventure course at Jordan’s Furniture, walk around Yale’s campus, the green usually hosts local vendors in igloos, the library might be holding some kid related events, pizza is always a kid friendly option, and maybe ice cream at arethusa/insomnia cookie/Ashley’s?


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivy6jfw wrote

I would LOVE to get the family on board for a hike in East Rock. Just gotta see if they're up for it with the cold!


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivy6cqu wrote

Those all sound awesome! I forgot about that ropes course! My buddies were telling me about it. That happened after I moved, but looks awesome for the kids (and myself haha!)


ayentelmen t1_ivyhlld wrote

Mew Haven Cat Cafe on Whalley Ave. You can get there from downtown on bus.


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivyip1a wrote

That sounds awesome! My wife is allergic to cats, but my kids loveee them (so do addition to coffee, which it seems like they also have!). This, will likely be a unique stop on our vacation, and I'm excited about it! New Haven creates awesome stuff.


kryonik t1_ivzlv1g wrote

There are some other cute shops and restaurants in the area the wife can peruse while waiting.


Fiberrrrr t1_ivyy6yv wrote

The train set at the eli whitney museum should be up and running by then and they have projects to do too


Crafty-Cauliflower-6 t1_ivy6goi wrote

Art museums


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivy71dd wrote

Yeah, we are so lucky with what we have in New Haven. My wife thinks it would be too much for them at their current ages, and we will probably save the art galleries for a trip in a few years when they are more appreciative. (I'm from New Haven and will definitely be bringing them back over time).


Crafty-Cauliflower-6 t1_ivy7j1f wrote

The nice thing is its free to go in so you can spend 30 minutes there before they get bored


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivy7vvx wrote

That is true! I need to try and sell my wife on the idea that it's free. It would be nice to say the kids have stood next to a Miro or Picasso, even if it may not resonate with them, yet.


Crafty-Cauliflower-6 t1_ivyb42i wrote

Also pitch that they dont have to understand all the meaning and context. Kids often like to fingerpaint and such. I tgink you can contextualize the art in their frame.


curbthemeplays t1_ivyws6g wrote

There’s some cool stuff for kids too. Roman/Greek artifacts are always cool, battle scenes, animal paintings. 😊


octoberflavor t1_iw0nge2 wrote

It’s surprisingly awesome for kids! If you let them lead and just go where they want to go it’s a much better time plus it’s a great compact layout so it’s not a lot of walking. My son liked the African art most (one of the first exhibits you see when you walk in) and then we would go straight upstairs to the Modern art wing. There’s some realllly tall and large pieces that make them go whoa! Kids love seeing the Pollock and Basquiat and finding out the world went crazy for them. Then wander out and you’ll hit all the gorgeous classical stuff on the way out.


ApatheticAbsurdist t1_iw10o83 wrote

And see if they have any programs going on for kids (they often will have kids activities on occasion so check the calendars or call them) both museums have education departments and will do events for kids activities.


Smokeshow-Joe t1_ivy5dxn wrote

Science museum has a pretty cool dinosaur room and bug room. Could definitely do a few hours there and it’s pretty easy to park.


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivy5w47 wrote

Is that the Peabody? Are they open again? I've always wanted to bring my kids there one day when I had them, and then covid happened and the renovations. My son is all about dinosaurs so we are doing the museum of natural history in The City, but man, I'd love to show them the Peabody if they're back open!


OkayBrendan t1_ivy6qkq wrote

>l about dinosaurs so we are doing the museum of natural hist

definitely not open. Not until mid '24, is what my understanding is. Can't come soon enough if you ask me!


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivy7eva wrote

Thank you for the update! Yes!!! Peabody is AMAZING. I can't wait to show the kiddos. I used to stare at those exhibits for hours.


Calicoll t1_ivya4ma wrote

How old are the kids? There is an adventure ropes course at the Jordan’s Furniture store, Yale University Art Gallery, Criterion Movie Theatre downtown, take the train to the Norwalk aquarium (Sono train is right at the aquarium)…


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivyd5t7 wrote

They are 5 and 7. The ropes course sounds awesome! 8 remembering the Norwalk Aquarium and loving it. I didn't realize it was on the train route, which makes it easily doable! Kiddos will love that, thank you!


marche_au_supplice t1_ivzi7du wrote

For the ropes course, be aware there’s also a little kid section and your 5 year old may not be tall enough for the full deal. Little kids section is great, but I’ve seen a lot of heartache when a kid realizes they won’t be able to do the full thing with an older sibling.


beaveristired t1_ivyjrc3 wrote

Edgerton Park has a cool greenhouse.


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivyk1g7 wrote

I love Edgerton! I'm hoping there's a bit of snow on the ground and I can take the kiddos sledding, too!


Lice_Queen t1_ivyycjt wrote

Highly doubt snow. New Haven is close to the water and has a slightly warmer climate than the rest of CT. December might have flurries or dusting but most snow comes between Jan-Mar. December can sometimes be very cold and rainy though so I'd pack for that.


flytweed t1_ivyjsi4 wrote

They rebuilt Ralph Walker Ice rink on upper State Street with kids’ programs- use the Skate New Haven website. Near that is a new Food Hall if you need lunch; Shoreline Trolley Museums does December weekend trolley rides; If you need cold/indoor stuff if they’d like to see Christmas scenes exhibits go to the Father McGivney Center (formerly KofC museum); if they like city drawings you could quickly stop in to the new Hill Museum run by the artist himself; for a junk food snack they can eat fried dough etc at the new Fest Faves place. Also, remember the Barnes and Noble downtown has a kids corner area and I think still a snack place inside. If you do do an East Rock hike you can entice them by using the “secret” Giant Steps….


mkiv808 t1_ivzlhoq wrote

That food hall has the most amazing sushi I’ve had in CT. Rockfish.


JmnyCrckt87 OP t1_ivykk3q wrote

I'd love to get to East Rock Park and tell the kiddos the story of the 3 Judges...and the glaciers that formed our valley between East and West Rock.

...the Hill Museum sounds like it is right up my Alley...gotta see if I can convince the wife and kids to go!

The Ralph Walker Ice Rink is greeaaat info to know, thank you! We wanted to take the kids skating at Rockefeller Plaza next to the Christmas Tree, but figure it might be a little over stimulating for my son (neuro divergent). This would be a bit more calm for him!


welovetomatoesyum t1_iw4i4nk wrote

Elm city games!! :) bowtie movie theater


if you're up for ubering, pez factory in Orange is cute, also Shoreline Trolley museum is great for kids although might be cold/closed in winter? not sure


Old-Bedroom8464 t1_iw001qc wrote

Get an Uber over to Urban Air in Orange/West Haven (Off 95 exit 42). Really fun time with kids.


ComedianGreen7496 t1_iw0byv2 wrote

There's so so much to do!! If it's a rainy day try Bow Tie Cinema! It's a cute little movie theater downtown, or one of many theaters such as long warf or shubert. They typically have matinees ☺️