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mizzzmilo t1_ix0q2yj wrote

Not yale affiliated, I have never felt unwelcome in new haven, in fact I have seen more “hate” directed towards yalies from non-yalies than the other way around, they seem totally apathetic and honestly I have never found their presence problematic, except as front of house restaurant worker (sometimes they are a little privileged and difficult to deal with in that context). But it’s truly nothing crazy and never extends into the realm outside of work for me. Overall I think the fact new haven is a college town keeps it youthful and vibrant. Housing around yale is significantly more expensive but as soon as you leave the yale bubble you’ll be able to find more affordable housing, and by leave I mean travel 10-15 minutes outside of downtown. I would suggest looking into east haven and west haven for housing, and sometimes the westville neighborhood of new haven. I recently relocated to New York and it has its major perks but I definitely miss home and would recommend making new haven your new spot!


mizzzmilo t1_ix0qyn3 wrote

Also I’ve heard gateway is a good community college and have had multiple friends attend