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No-Sun8788 OP t1_iy0ndxv wrote

Oh well, I guess that will happen again, because I'm not going to get rid of my dogs. I am aware that they complicate things.


vertigounconscious t1_iy0vprd wrote

I don't think anyone expects you to get rid of your dogs but I think trying to get places that are desirable/new/in certain areas is a longshot and for you to say 'it's not the dogs' is just not going to help you


catsmash t1_iy43kdb wrote

conversely, do you think it IS especially helpful to keep hammering it on OP that they're having difficulty because of the dogs? like yeah, no kidding dude. what's OP supposed to do about that exactly?


vertigounconscious t1_iy4ijgx wrote

OP came to the internet completely unaware of why OP is unable to score apartments in a highly competitive market. More so, they did it 'just to complain' so, at best, the post is asinine anyway, given that this person is complaining on the internet and you're expecting the internet to coddle them and sympathize. They aren't even looking for help, according to their post, saying it's 'rhetorical'. Then to have you white knight for them, when again, at best this post is asinine and I would even label this person as insanely foolish to be renting small apartments, in a metropolitan area that is more competitive than average, and to have two dogs - that need outdoor, open spaces - and expect anything more than what they're getting here - which is a minor brow beating to this point. So if they're here for rhetoric, and complaining, then you're going to get equal amounts on both sides. The internet doesn't exist just to tell people what they want to hear. Don't be naive.


No-Sun8788 OP t1_iy0yna7 wrote

ah. I already understand that having pets limits my rental choices. Fortunately I am not looking for new, trendy, or good schools. Just affordable for a year or so while we wait to shop for a more permanent solution.


chemtiger8 t1_iy3bdwy wrote

It’s not even the “new” and “trendy” apartments with pet limitations, unfortunately. From my observations (maybe other people have more evidence or know the justification behind it), it seems landlords in the New Haven area are just really against pets. Like really against pets. I am told that my previous landlord tried to evict a tenant for having an unauthorized cat.


EscapeFromTexas t1_iy6xfkt wrote

Honestly if you look at their target rental pool (college kids) I can understand a blanket pet ban.