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vertigounconscious t1_iy4ijgx wrote

OP came to the internet completely unaware of why OP is unable to score apartments in a highly competitive market. More so, they did it 'just to complain' so, at best, the post is asinine anyway, given that this person is complaining on the internet and you're expecting the internet to coddle them and sympathize. They aren't even looking for help, according to their post, saying it's 'rhetorical'. Then to have you white knight for them, when again, at best this post is asinine and I would even label this person as insanely foolish to be renting small apartments, in a metropolitan area that is more competitive than average, and to have two dogs - that need outdoor, open spaces - and expect anything more than what they're getting here - which is a minor brow beating to this point. So if they're here for rhetoric, and complaining, then you're going to get equal amounts on both sides. The internet doesn't exist just to tell people what they want to hear. Don't be naive.
