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HollowPluto t1_iz8o134 wrote

Besides weed as in?

You want crystal meth? Puffer fish? Tooty fruities? Jacob bombs? Rats nests? Jesus sticks? Flapper magoos? Chuckle futts? Brapple didgeridoo’s?

What are we looking for here my man?


raptoryzb t1_iz8oqr1 wrote

Made me think of "Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice.
Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake" from the fairy odd parents lmao


bingybunny t1_iz8vsxx wrote

Oh come on man. You got no lady fingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, gut busters, zippity do das, or crap flappers?


HollowPluto t1_iz8owxu wrote

Been awhile since I had any of those.

Anyone got a plug for these? Haven’t talked to my plug since 3rd grade when I stood back.


Necessary_Bug7369 OP t1_iz9f7jx wrote

Some ket,oxy, and x.


drewoz203 t1_iz9hfvq wrote

No judgment here, but, go to a 30 day rehab. Get out and walk into a AA big book step study meeting, get a sponsor and do the 12 steps. Go live a good life homie. You deserve it.


No-Salary-294 t1_iz9gyjk wrote

The nearest church can help with this tell them I sent you


montvilleredwood t1_iz9ojvh wrote

There’s a guy at 1 Union ave that has what you need. He’s usually wearing blue.