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curbthemeplays t1_izkdq0q wrote

Reply to comment by thewhiskeyrebel in 144 Temple by SkateAndEnjoi

Oh, damn. Bummer another shitty club opened there. For a bit, it was going to be developed by the owners of College Street Music Hall, then by the Shubert owners. Both fell through.

Clubs bring a stupid crowd to downtown. Another legit music/entertainment venue would be so much better.

Edit: nvm, that’s not the space I’m thinking of. Google Maps placed it on the wrong side of street. Yes, that space has been though several shitty clubs in the last 10 years.


thewhiskeyrebel t1_izkem8l wrote

Absolutely. I’d really love to see the underage drinking thing curbed a bit downtown. It’s messy and dangerous.


curbthemeplays t1_izkep4s wrote

Yeah, not a good look. Still better than it was 10 years ago, but room for improvement.