Submitted by catbirdgrey t3_zkzda5 in newhaven

I'm moving to Hamden next month and I was wondering if anybody knows any craft get-together groups, knitting groups, "stitch and bitch" or anything like that that isn't just a college group (I'm pushing 40). LGBTQ+ would be cool but it certainly doesn't have to be. :) Bonus if it's on a busline. :) Tia.



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brewski t1_j02dcr4 wrote

I know this is not exactly what you're asking for, but you may be interested in MakeHaven. It's a makerspace with great textile/crafting facilities. TONS of other equipment at your disposal. I'm not sure if there is a weekly textile/craft meetup (there might be), but there are often workshops and other events. It's a very supportive community and definitely LGBTQ+ friendly.


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02dqew wrote

Oh wow this is awesome. I wouldn't have even thought to ask about a place like this.


Tiny-Permission-3069 t1_j0359kd wrote

I (40lgbt) live in Waterbury and don’t know of any groups, but would be happy to get together with you and anyone else interested. I’m on the bus line but space is very limited in my apartment. I am also near Waterbury’s library that would probably be happy to loan us some space if asked. :)


craftycamilla t1_j02fc9i wrote

i know knit new haven on whitney does a weekly knit night i think on tuesdays! but also i am a masters student and lgbtq and would love to start something if ur looking for buddies in the community!!


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02fzwm wrote

I would love to start something! I would have no idea where though. I have done things in libraries, but I've never started anything myself. There is this weird place in Hamden I haven't been to yet: It's part-coffee shop so maybe during the day sometimes they'd have nothing going on.


auntiestablishment t1_j02h658 wrote

that's a really cool place. I'm not sure how busy it would be during the day (I've only been at night) but it's really close to quinnipiac so there's potential for crowding.

also I'd be interested if it was evenings or weekends :) I need motivation to finish a project or two lol


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02hwk6 wrote

I am going to reach out to them :) I don't think evenings would be good there but maybe a weekend morning once a week or every other. And not to be creepy but if you are interested in hanging out to get stuff done we could meet together pretty much any coffee shop or library. I used to have a craft buddy like that, it was a lot of fun and I was so much more productive.
I was looking at the Knit New Haven thing too, I might try that but it can be boring when everyone's talking about "yarn culture" lmao


auntiestablishment t1_j02j4a4 wrote

i don't want to walk into that store with my red heart lol I, too, am creepy so I'd like that!

if you're open to bars, I think three sheets might be good now that they have brighter lighting


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02jw3v wrote

Lmao my heard be red as well. I don't drink (not out of principle I just hate the taste) so I might not be a bar's favorite customer. I am a coffee fiend. Common Grounds is near where I'm moving to. They're a pretty big space, lots of tables, and yummy treats. Sorry to skew toward what's closer, I have no car.


auntiestablishment t1_j02khr1 wrote

it's your party, you can have it wherever you want I'd go there, it's not far from me at all and I drive. it's right next to Joann too lol


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02ltp6 wrote

Exciting! I am moving in on Jan 7th, in the meantime I'm following you here but like not really following you just wanted to save your profile.


brewski t1_j032bxb wrote

Not crowded during the day, and not really a QU hangout. My kids do a D&D club there after school once a week. It's a perfect place for what you're describing.


Fiberrrrr t1_j02lshd wrote

Knit new haven's knit night is every other tuesday from 6 to 8!


[deleted] t1_j02n6a6 wrote



catbirdgrey OP t1_j02obag wrote

Oh thats great! I wouldn't have to start anything lol. I'm on the 238 bus though so it looks like that would be tough. Eh, maybe it wouldn't cost too much to take a taxi.


catsmash t1_j02s371 wrote

volume 2 at neverending books on state street in east rock holds an arts meetup every other sunday or so. it's a nice group! all kinds of crafters & artists are welcome, & it's obviously free to join. the whole calendar of events is here -


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02sehk wrote

Awesome! It would be hard for me to get there but I could see what a taxi would cost. Thanks :)


catsmash t1_j02vxu2 wrote

cool! no prob! also for what it's worth, the 228c & 229 buses run down whitney ave through hamden and new haven. if you get off at the stop in front of the peabody museum, cross at the crosswalk to the business school, and use the little walkway along the side of the building that leads to pearl street, you can take that street in a straight shot down to state street, where V2 will be on your left. it's a very straightforward & pretty short walk. good luck & welcome to hamden!


catbirdgrey OP t1_j030i39 wrote

I'm off Dixwell on the 238. Good for getting to some stuff like concert venues but not for getting to the cool places people have told me about on this thread it seems.


catsmash t1_j033fvq wrote

ohhh, hmm. yeah, i just took a look at the routes - closest you could really get on the 238 would be the stop downtown at the green, where you could technically grab a 228/229 headed up to hamden, but what a pain.

not a TERRIBLE walk on a nice day, i used to walk downtown pretty often when i lived in east rock, but not super duper convenient. that would get you VERY close to makehaven, though, which i saw someone else mention on this post!


The_Panophobic t1_j03374z wrote

Nothing to suggest that hasn’t already been said, but adding my name as a 30-something who would be down for a knit night somewhere in the New Haven/Hamden area!


Zinc-finger t1_j02rajh wrote

I’m a knitter in my 30s that lives in Hamden! I have been to the knit New Haven stitch n bitch and it’s a bit of an older crowd, was not for me. I would definitely be interested in starting something! Best video would be a good option on days they don’t have scheduled events


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02rhlx wrote

I was thinking about that place, I sent them a message actually! :) I really would love to get something started in Hamden!


eggheadslut t1_j02ogsf wrote

Omg there is an app called meetup that I use for niche groups like this. I know there is a group that meets at this yarn place in Woodbridge but it’s riiiight on the New Haven line. The app is wonderful and has connected me with cool people. And also, if it’s not near a bus line, you can throw out that you are looking for a ride and someone will usually help


Tiny-Permission-3069 t1_j035eeq wrote

I (40lgbt) live in Waterbury and don’t know of any groups, but would be happy to get together with you and anyone else interested. I’m on the bus line but space is very limited in my apartment. I am also near Waterbury’s library that would probably be happy to loan us some space if asked. :)


catbirdgrey OP t1_j03tgfg wrote

Nice! I am talking to the library near me in Hamden rn. I will add you to my little list :)


DeepSpaceSevenofNine t1_j02kd2s wrote

Hi we are the same person. Jk but I am 38, bi, and moved to New Haven just a few months ago. I knit and I’m learning to sew! There is a knitting store in New Haven with a stitch and bitch every other Tuesday. I haven’t been yet but I’ve been meaning to. Or I love “gather” a cafe in east rock which I believe has a crafting night or is just a cozy spot to meet up


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02lg0c wrote

Hi!! I am also 38 lol. I'm married to a guy but I recently realized I've kind of always liked girls and literally all my friends are queer.

I looked up gather and I don't think I could get there on the bus. I don't have a car :/ I was suggesting Common Grounds in Hamden if you like coffee?

Do you mean the knitting store Knit New Haven? I saw they have a group on Tuesdays. Looks kind of not my scene though. Although if the three of us here on this thread all go together we can take over like in an old pop-punk music video.


oneoneeightseven t1_j02v3og wrote

Gather is right on the 223 line and very walkable from 224 (1 block) or 228(2 blocks) lines. In case that's helpful! I also think there are craft gatherings at Volume 2 (also on state) and at 3 sheets. They might not be as regularly scheduled as some of the other places that have been mentioned but they are very welcoming places in town


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02vjzn wrote

I'm on the 238, apparently not where any of the cool things are haha. Thank you :)


PiggyD4ncer t1_j02mlr5 wrote

Common grounds is great but doesn’t have a ton of seating as a heads up. More in warmer months for outside, but still.


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02mv4w wrote

Ah okay. I was only in there once and I remember it being relatively large but I do have a bad memory.


DeepSpaceSevenofNine t1_j038a0v wrote

Hi yes I am the same as your first paragraph lol. I do have a car so I can definitely be flexible with locations. Yes I did mean the knit New Haven but I haven’t been there yet. Yes I’m into all of this!


PiggyD4ncer t1_j02mck4 wrote

If there isn’t, we should start one. I’m in Hamden too and this would be awesome!


catbirdgrey OP t1_j02mpp7 wrote

Sweet! I am really thinking of trying to make something happen, as long as it's just a few of us. I'm thinking the Hamden Common Grounds or Hamden library since I don't have a car. I just hit follow on your profile not to stalk you but just to not forget you if I ever have any news :) I'm moving in next month.


PiggyD4ncer t1_j02ti80 wrote

Yes of course! Looking forward to it, best of luck moving!


brewski t1_j0332i7 wrote

Legal Grounds is a nice little coffee shop in the back of Books and Co. on Whitney. Smaller than Best Video, but they always seem to have table space.


EscapeFromTexas t1_j04r164 wrote

just dropping in to say I'd join something like this. also 40ish. New to the area!


nudgini7 t1_j06n1bu wrote

Hi! I live in Hamden and would be interested as well although it’s been years since I knitted!