Submitted by agrace1902 t3_zv36ik in newhaven

I am going to be moving to a 1 bedroom apartment in about a month in New Haven. It's about 800sq feet. I'm trying to plan a budget in advance so that I can be prepared. I will be responsible for electricity (includes hot water), heat which is gas, water, and sewer. From what I understand talking to the current tenants, sewer and water on their own won't come to very much so I'm not terribly worried about that. However...I am uncertain about what I should expect for electricity and gas. It will just be me living there and I will be out most of the day at work, so that should cut down some electricity costs. Additionally, I'm on the 3rd floor and heat rises so??? The building is brick and storm windows are installed. I'm not sure if they use Eversource or UI for electricity. Let me know if you guys have any ideas for what I should expect for gas and electricity. I plan on getting LED bulbs and being generally continuous about saving electricity for the sake of the planet and my wallet...



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lovetoujours t1_j1n2rx0 wrote

You can ask them for estimates (the utility company once you figure it out) based on what the last tenant used.

I have a ~750 sq ft apartment in New Britain and pay about $35-40 a month in electricity (most of which is the delivery, thanks eversource). I'm work mostly from home now. That being said, hot water is included in my rent so it would likely be higher if it was included.


eddie964 t1_j1nb1ru wrote

New Haven and all abutting towns have United Illuminating. You can choose a different genation supplier, but UI owns the lines and poles and will be your electric utility. Southern Connecticut Gas is the gas utility for the area, and the Regional Water Authority provides water service.


agrace1902 OP t1_j1ngxjy wrote

Thank you so much! That’s very helpful to know! I’m about 40 mins east of New Haven on the shoreline rn and eversource has been the fucking gift the keeps on giving. The idea of having it out of my life is amazing…


eddie964 t1_j1nr9f4 wrote

So if you are 40 minutes East of NH, you probably actually are in Eversource territory.

They get kind of a bad rap, though. Electricity is expensive right now because gas is the main fuel used by power generators in CT, and the cost of gas is through the roof. Eversource needs to work on customer service and keeping delivery costs down, but the current uproar is due to something the company doesn't control or profit from.


agrace1902 OP t1_j1o25l6 wrote

Yeah I’m in eversource now but when I move I’ll be in UI if that’s all the New Haven has. Is UI considered better than Eversource typically?


eddie964 t1_j1o2yvf wrote

Gotcha. UI doesn't seem to inspire quite the same level of hate, but that's probably because Eversource is much bigger. Their rates are similar, and UI is maybe a little more on the ball getting power back on after storms.


Ok_Row_9387 t1_j1oh82n wrote

I'm in a very similar place as what you described in terms of square footage, being single person, floor number, and being away during the day. However, I leave 2 grow lights on during the day and keep the thermostat at 70 (winter) and 74 (summer) for a cold blooded pet. My windows are pretty drafty too, even with weather tape.

My average UI bill this year was $65/month. I pay a flat $27/month to my building for water, gas, and sewer. I also pay $47/month for the cheapest Xfinity wifi package (building requires we use Xfinity) and $6/month for renters insurance (required by lease). Best of luck!