Submitted by WholeComparison130 t3_zz3rfg in newhaven

Looking to buy some tonkatsu sauce within New Haven. I know we have lots of Asian grocery stores but not sure which would be best to check—any recommendations? I’m partial to the Bulldog brand but open to whatever



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nerbm t1_j298tpc wrote

You can get it at Hong Kong Market on Whitney Ave. Love Bulldog Sauce!


WholeComparison130 OP t1_j29cb6t wrote

Perfect, thanks!


basedmarimo t1_j29pep2 wrote

Oriental Pantry has better pricing for bulldog sauce and most other Japanese sauces, condiments, etc. like japanese mayo and okonomiyaki sauce just fyi! I shop at both regularly.


achaete_scute t1_j2a5x7j wrote

If you’re downtown Millions has it for sure, I just came from there and saw it cause I was buying Kewpie mayo!


ApatheticAbsurdist t1_j29w3o2 wrote

Pretty much all the Asian markets are going to have Bulldog sauce.


Plantpoweredbeeyotch t1_j2a42s7 wrote

Take the drive to either G-Mart in Milford or T-Asian Market in 'Staven. But if you're strictly new haven, I'd say Oriental Pantry.