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FxTree-CR2 t1_j5h4s0x wrote

I would look elsewhere. Dwight is a phenomenal neighborhood, Dwight Gardens… look elsewhere.

I also very strongly recommend avoiding the Novella. It’s loud, thin walls, and the units are furnished with cheap cabinets and fixtures. Think ikea cardboard box and that’s how they built that place.

If that’s not enough, the manager (if it’s the same guy that managed it when I lived there, probably is) is a habitual liar and may be the most disorganized person I’ve done business with.

If not Dwight, look into Edgewood. Fair Haven gets a rep, but that was my favorite neighborhood that I lived in tbh. Remember that crime victimhood is way more correlated to who you hang with than where you live. Random crime is rare, except for in East Rock aka the city’s “shopping mall.” Your car will be broken into. You might get mugged. People know naive Yale students and people “with money” live there, so that’s where criminals go “shopping” for the biggest likely score.

Final note, avoid the big rental companies if you can. Mandy, farnam, paris and a couple other brands dominate the market but they’re all owned by the same person. They’re all terrible. Scour Facebook marketplace and find a ma and pop landlord.


FxTree-CR2 t1_j5h6hwp wrote

Oh, you’ll hear a lot about crime in New Haven. It’s overstated.

The small city + dense city limits skews rankings to make the city appear worse than it is.

There’s also a fair amount of racism involved in those conversations and much of it perpetuated by Yale. For years, they included a map of the city in their orientation materials with “suggested areas to live”. Ofc they labeled mostly Black and Hispanic neighborhoods as dangerous even when crime stats didn’t correlate.

Their other motivation was to buy up a lot of property in the city and lease it out at higher than market rates. They’ve largely been successful.