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kppeterc15 t1_j5tvpyh wrote

  1. Regardless of what Ms. Williams was wearing or how she was behaving, Whalley is well-lit and its speed limit is 25 mph. If the driver didn't see her until literally after the moment if impact, then they were either not watching the road at all, going much too fast, or both. (Most likely both.) No question in my mind.

  2. Regardless of the particulars of this specific case, Whalley has consistently been a deadly and dangerous road for pedestrians. If there's an issue with frequent jaywalking, that's an issue of design. If people are driving too fast too often, that's an issue of design. Whalley Ave. is a busy commercial corridor flanked on both sides by dense residential neighborhoods. It's a terrible place for a five-land road without any traffic calming measures. Until the state and local government do something about this, people are going to continue to be injured and worse.


Myotherside t1_j5v2f4e wrote

It’s definitely a Stroad that is too wide and could use traffic calming measures


lazy-but-talented t1_j5ull36 wrote

point 1 I've been on the side of slow patient driving lately and on a dark rainy day it is nearly impossible to see people jaywalking still . Whalley is not well lit. Posted speed limit in most cases doesn't matter single lane Orange St is 20mph and multilane Whalley is 25. but no one is driving under 30 on either. sadly if it's a jaywalk it's the pedestrians fault everytime otherwise it's just frogger across a highspeed road


kppeterc15 t1_j5umz2p wrote

>Posted speed limit in most cases doesn't matter single lane Orange St is 20mph and multilane Whalley is 25. but no one is driving under 30 on either

"sure, people are breaking the law in a way that endangers the lives of others, but what else do you expect?"


lazy-but-talented t1_j5unezz wrote

missing the point, you can't just put a sign up that says 5 mph limit and call it a very safe road where no accidents should ever happen. would be just as useful as posting a sign that says "pretty please no accidents on this road"