Submitted by TofuTheBlackCat t3_10lra7q in newhaven

Going to be in the IKEA area, any delicious restaurants to try past 5pm? Driving about an hour to pick up some Ikea, an hour back, want to grab something yummy w hubby while we r down there

Not interested in pizza, we have new haven pizza all the time and it is DELICIOUS, but I want to try something else.

Any recommendations welcome!

EDIT!: Thank you all for your recommendations :) keep em coming! I'll try to update later, but will file these away for another day too <3 happy eating all!



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[deleted] t1_j5ygx2n wrote



TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5yi9g6 wrote

Where downtown would you recommend?


iReaddit-KRTORR t1_j5zmqtn wrote

Outside of pizza, there’s Soul De Cuba for some amazing Cuban food, midpoint is pricey but good Istanbul food, Pacifico is Latina American, olive and oil is Italian and do their own pasta, mecha noodle bar is a pho ramen fusion spot that’s tastey, Barcelona does tapas but can be pricey.

There’s also tons of bars that also serve food like elm city social, barcade, the ordinary, etc that are fun experiences and the food is pretty good too.


[deleted] t1_j5ylfbd wrote



TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5ylu0t wrote

Yes I am very familiar with the pizza in New Haven :)

I was trying Reddit because I didn't want to sift through Google reviews haha

TY tho


OpelSmith t1_j5yox7h wrote

idk basically every place within 2 miles of the Green is probably good food. Depends what you're looking for. If you want something more upscale, go with L'Orcio or Olea. Next step down Id say Pacifico and South Bay. If you want something more casual, Tibetan Kitchen moved here recently and are fantastic. Sitar is a classic choice, been in business for 30+ years, September in Bangkok is wonderful for Thai themed cuisine. Trinity makes excellent pub food. I saw Mecha mentioned, and yeah they're good. But if you want great ramen with less chance of a line, try out Ramen Kuro Shiro(and a cocktail at 116 Crown a few buildings down if you're feeling fancy)

e: these are more towards downtown. There really isnt much next to Ikea itself.


TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5yri7m wrote

Thank you thank you!!!!!! I think this has been the most helpful. I love Tibetan food, and also considering Kuro Shiro! <3


OpelSmith t1_j5ysesm wrote

Fair warning, Tibetan Kitchen has a pretty small interior, and have become quite popular. So there may be a wait. If you want to order out though, they have a pretty old school method of just asking for like B15 and D6, etc, they're probably aware most of us can't pronounce the food names


SustainableNHV t1_j5zurum wrote

Kuro Shiro is awesome, and I would highly recommend leaving yourself some time to wander around 9th Square, mostly Orange and Crown Streets, between the square formed by Church/Chapel/State/George Streets.


Significant_Chest401 t1_j5yqlfs wrote

If you want a little alcohol, too, go to Ordinary. The bartenders are excellent and the chef, yes chef, makes small plates to die for.


nymfo t1_j5zdz2c wrote

september in bangkok its sooo good


flyingfred1027 t1_j5yw5pm wrote

Tavern on State good, I also like their new seafood place Fair Haven Oyster. Sherkaan has great Indian.


EmuBoth t1_j5ynlcc wrote

Yes to Mecha and so many places downtown. Steps from IKEA you can also eat at the Hotel Marcel's bar (rave reviews) or Il Gabbiano across the street, at the bar or sitting at a table...


badfriend534 t1_j5yp396 wrote

Jazzys cabaret has really good food, their bowls have a wide selections of cuisines


TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5yi7ng wrote

We have done the food trucks by the warf! Any one in particular you recommend? The last one I tried ( a red one) didn't really agree with me unfortunately >.<

I don't mind a bit of a drive to get somewhere good :)

There is a mecca noble by me too! We r blessed lol


usmercenary t1_j5z98xj wrote

my fav of those trucks is "mexi cali black truck"!


blackberrysangria t1_j5ykkcr wrote

Haven hot chicken for a chicken sandwich with their house made ranch has been my favorite lately


TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5ylwtj wrote

Ah ty! My other half loves fried chicken, so def will consider this


sonic997 t1_j5yos2a wrote

Another good choice for fried chicken is Bonchon (Korean fried chicken). It’s a Korean chain. For chicken they only have drumsticks and wings but it’s very good, and there are other good main dishes and sides.


TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5yowtx wrote

Ah yes, there is one of those by our home :) delicious food! Any other Korean chicken or Japanese places you can think of?


itsasixthing t1_j625ij0 wrote

There’s a bbq chicken on Whitney, which is a Korean chicken franchise that’s actually from Korea - they have a ton of sauce options.

For Japanese, I’ve heard great things about Hachiroku. It just opened recently, but everyone I know who’s been has raved about it.


OpelSmith t1_j5ytfew wrote

i already gave my recommendations, but I live down the street from Haven, and my god is their food fantastic. It's only takeout though.


bradglasses t1_j5yn1nh wrote

Try The Luke downtown or Tavern on State. Definitely some tasty option there.


TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5yrdd6 wrote

I heard about Tavern on State, thinking about this place but I hear u need a reservation?


OpelSmith t1_j5yt94f wrote

i've been twice(on weeknights) and we were able to walk in and get a place


bingybunny t1_j5yqiqb wrote

If you're super pressed for time, Brazi's is right there. It's legit, haven't been in a while but it's good, old school fine dining.


HeadyRoosevelt t1_j5z0n9h wrote

Sherkaan is in a nice walking neighborhood and has delicious south Asian street food. Would be no more than a 5-10 minute drive from ikea.


eddie964 t1_j5zjv2o wrote

There is really good Italian food in New Haven that is NOT pizza. Adriana's and Consiglio's are stalwarts of the local scene.


Fullcabflip t1_j5zxebn wrote

One of my personal favorites is Lalibela. Ethiopian food.


Fun-Cockroach8339 t1_j5ypssw wrote

Don Rene recently opened and it’s very good. Right on orange street near trinity (also good for a beverage!)


knives_in_my_eyes t1_j62tcif wrote

Is there another besides the one in Milford?


Fun-Cockroach8339 t1_j63rs9z wrote

Shoot, my bad, I was thinking of tacos los gordos! Both are good though. TLG is also walkable you a bunch of other spots in that area too.


Choosing_is_a_sin t1_j5zf8up wrote

If you're in the mood for sushi, try Kumo on Elm St. I went there recently and was really impressed with the quality and variety.


GBJGBJGBJx3 t1_j60pjks wrote

Highly highly recommended Happy Hour at Barracuda, excellent food and drink deals until 7 every day.


buried_lede t1_j5yjesw wrote

Are the taco trucks on Long Wharf? If so they are a great option.

Also a great option is Wooster Street, which is nearby and the location of some of the best pizza in the country, the famous pizza places are there. Nice ambience too, several restaurants on Wooster St


TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5ym4nj wrote

Yes I am very familiar with new haven pizza, as I said in the post :) looking for something not pizza, and we did the trucks last time we were there.

But TY for trying to help!


Observant_Neighbor t1_j5z253x wrote

Many good suggestions in this thread but take a look at Hachiroku



TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5z47bm wrote

I love Japanese cuisine, thank you for sharing this! <3


megarific90 t1_j5zfzlp wrote

Hachiroku is the best!!! The owner is so nice and the food is top notch.


TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5zhjyp wrote

I think this will be my vote. I'm gathering options for the other half to choose from, but I'll make a point to check this place out at some point if not today :-)


TofuTheBlackCat OP t1_j5zhkuf wrote

I think this will be my vote. I'm gathering options for the other half to choose from, but I'll make a point to check this place out at some point if not today :-)


kn0ck_0ut t1_j656zb0 wrote

#Blue Orchid.

SUCH good food and a very welcoming environment.