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Zhuul t1_j8b5pz9 wrote

Camden gets nasty but the nasty is very localized. It used to be murder city but the violence has plummeted in the last decade.

Nowadays it’s not crazy dangerous if you pay attention, but it is still a very poor area and your car will almost certainly be broken into at some point.


SmeemyMeemy t1_j8c2mxf wrote

I do not blame anyone or Camden at all. It is what it is. I will say that when I was student teaching one day I came out to find my car on cinderblocks. I was well liked by parents and students. Every car had something done to it so it was just bad luck. A lot of tweaked out people scattered. Just be careful. I live .6 from the heart now and still get anxious every now and then. Also my neighbor was stabbed in the ACME parking lot 30 minutes after I got my prescription.


Zhuul t1_j8c3ca7 wrote

Yeah it’s hardly a utopia, I’m sorry if I sounded like I was painting an overly rosy picture. It’s gotten better, though, and more importantly seems poised to continue trending in that direction.

Just be prepared for bullshit and keep your wits about you. And if you’re ever feeling down you can always go to the aquarium and say hi to their prehensile tailed porcupine.

Seriously, their nose looks like a giant pink marshmallow, it’s goddamned adorable.


SmeemyMeemy t1_j8c4qvj wrote

YES! SO cute! I love doing looking at the Battleship New Jersey as well. There is a little old man down in the cafeteria that is just a wealth of knowledge! (I also painted the cafeteria and "dorms" when I was a Girl Scout)