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rewardiflost t1_jadw5ze wrote

looks like you have 2 months of electricity there.

Dec 13 - Jan 09, then Jan 10 - Feb 08.

Generation is what you pay for power. I'm guessing you have JCP&L generate your power, but you could have a third party if that's something you wanted (or got conned into).
Delivery is what the power company charges to allow your power to come to you over their wires. If you get power generated by others, they still have to bring it to you. So, they break out delivery charges separate from generation.

Your generation is probably dictated by your local tariff. You have a basic amount per KWH for the entire amount, then there is an extra charge for the different levels of service.
This gets complex, so you may want to find their tariff page on their website, or possibly on the State Board of Public Utilities (BPU) site. Make sure you identify which power provider is supplying your generated power.

I don't get why they switch from 3 lines in generation or 3 lines in delivery.
It could be that things changed for the 1st of the year. It could be that they are bad at writing bills.


Cashneto OP t1_jadxsn5 wrote

I really wish that they could explain it, that's the frustrating part. It's like the people I'm speaking with are completely disconnected with whoever is writing these bills.

Thanks for your explanation, I guess I'll have to dig deeper.


EmbracedByLeaves t1_jadvruz wrote

It's your bill from the last 2 months, what's the problem?

Looks like a pretty typical rate.


Cashneto OP t1_jadw0y6 wrote

What is the rate? Why are there 3 charges in one month for delivery and then 3 charges in another month for electric generation.

I added a write up in the comments, it was just posted if that helps.


EmbracedByLeaves t1_jadxc0r wrote

It could be any number of reasons. Hot water heating during peak times, etc. Check the tariff document.

Essentially ~$0.14/kWh is a typical rate for JCPL. You aren't getting ripped off.


Cashneto OP t1_jadyqfc wrote

Thanks. The water heater is gas. I don't think I'm being ripped off, I just wanted an explanation, which seems to be too much to ask. The tariff doc isn't very useful under the code they gave me in the bill which is just the normal Residential service.


lost_in_life_34 t1_jae0id2 wrote

you pay a lower rate for the first batch of electricity and then a higher rate


Cashneto OP t1_jae20gf wrote

So if you do the math, you'll see that each bucket of electricity is the full charge almost as if I'm being triple charged in the first month for delivery charges and then in the 2nd month the same thing is happening, but for generation charges.


invertedeparture t1_jae93l9 wrote

It looks as though the numbers in the second bill got arranged wrong. The generation and delivery total usage amounts should be the same, as they are in the Jan bill.

The middle numbers are the two different rates they charged you at.


owlnest t1_jaet5gv wrote

I don't have access to my current bill, but my past old bills had multiple lines for generation and delivery. I'm not sure why you have that change, but it's either methodology/rate change between 2022 and 2023 or something else. You'll need to wait for next month's bill to compare. Let's say you used 779 KWH for one month. There's a base rate for the 779 KWH delivery. Then there's different additional rates that are tacked on based upon time of day (high demand vs low demand times). That's why you have additional 251 KWH and 528 KWH rates for both delivery for that period.


peter-doubt t1_jae2xjd wrote

You pay different rates depending on level of consumption.... If you use less you pay the 0-xxx kWh rate (which is higher) as you use more they discount it.

OMG, I hope it's a business, because a typical residence is lots less.


Cashneto OP t1_jae3qun wrote

This is 2 months worth and we have EVs. So basically spending on electricity but saving on gas.

Is there a rate applied to the amount as a whole and then another smaller rate applied to portions of usage?


Leftblankthistime t1_jaejq3x wrote

For the billing period, you used 1,008 KWH

You were charged 109.33 for December 13 to Jan 9

You were charged 140.73 from January 10 to Feb 8

you were charged 14.00 for a service charge (presumably for being a month late)

in December it cost a little more than 9 cents per KWH to make your electricity and between ~4 and 16 cents per KWH to send you the electricity. Depending on the time of day that you used it (some times are more expensive because more people are using it).

In January, it cost almost 15 cents per KWH to make your electricity and between ~5 and 15 cents per KWH to send you the electricity Depending on the time of day that you used it (some times are more expensive because more people are using it).

The total amount owed is the sum of December 13 - Jan 9 @ 109.33 PLUS January 10 - Feb 8 & 140.73 PLUS the 14 dollar service fee for a total of 264.06


Cashneto OP t1_jadvsfb wrote

I recently moved into a new house with JCPL as my electric provider, previously I had PSE&G. PSE&G bills were pretty simple to understand, looked the same every month and showed you your charges.

The charges for my first 2 months are very different, 3 delivery charges in one month vs 3 generation charges in another month. On top of the fact it looks like this variable billing they have is charging for the full amount of kWh used, not individual portions.

I called into JCPL and spoke to no less than 3 representatives and when I started asking questions they informed me they don't make the bills and could not explain anything to me, when my wife asked to speak to the billing department she said they don't speak to customers. They referred me to their tariff page which is a quagmire and hard to dissect. Is anyone familiar with their bills and could possibly explain it to me?

Thanks in advance.


jarage00 t1_jadx355 wrote

Do they have time of use billing (adjust the rate based on demand)? That could be why you see different rates


Cashneto OP t1_jadxfve wrote

I don't think I have time of use billing, if I did it's not reflected accurately on for both months.


highporkroller t1_jaef2ve wrote

They don’t offer time of use billing. At least they didn’t when I checked last year.