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kittyglitther t1_ja8l3ea wrote

Hopefully enough to justify working from home, so probably just a crummy rainy day.


Linenoise77 t1_ja8m5qh wrote

i'm going to go with a bit over 4 inches.

I'm saying that because anything more than that, particularly overnight, is a pain in the ass to shovel once the plows have their way and swamp the end of my driveway and sidewalk, and not 10 minutes ago my wife asked me if i was going to get the snow blower ready, and i said, "No, i don't think its worth it"

This also means that if we do get over 5 or 6 inches, the rest of march will hinge on if i decide, "Fine, i'll get the snow blower ready" (in which case no more snow) or substantial dumps at every threat if i don't get it ready.


ReggieNJ t1_ja8o4ep wrote

You guys are getting snow?


Hrekires t1_ja8o9vk wrote

Enough that I grabbed my shovel from the shed just in case, but not enough to order preemptive snow day pizza.


FordMan100 t1_ja8ojkr wrote

Along the shore from Monmouth county down, less than an inch if any at all.


coreynj2461 t1_ja8qdkt wrote

Was waiting for a post about this. Local news stations are all over the place. Weather channel and ABC says 1-3 for bergen county. NBC, CBS 3-5, news 12 4-7. So your typical NJ forecast- A dusting to 10 inches


waukeecla t1_ja8s72t wrote

I divide whatever the weatherpeople say by 2. So yeah I'd guess 2.5" to 3"


SD-777 t1_ja8tvh3 wrote

Just enough for them to lay salt down on the road again, sigh.


BackInNJAgain t1_ja8xdux wrote

Enough to cover the car in the driveway but not enough to go stock up on groceries.


ohhiiiiiiiiii t1_ja8yota wrote

I hope it's a disappointment so I don't die making my commute to work tomorrow morning.


The_Healed t1_ja92xof wrote

About as much snow as dandruff off some scalp.


LemurCat04 t1_ja960sq wrote


We’re getting rain.

(Or at least I am, at the shore.)


rtk117117 t1_ja976g1 wrote

I don’t have a clue but ask the person who decided to plant last week.


Dozzi92 t1_ja9a6or wrote

Or it'll be that shitty heavy snow that the kids can't enjoy, and I'm stuck shoveling in the rain, I hurt my back, I get addicted to pills, my wife leaves me and takes the kids, I am forced out of my own home, I end up living under the bridge by the Y. Hope it's not that.


weaselpoopcoffee1 t1_ja9ckf3 wrote

I just finished getting my snowblower in order. We won't be getting anything significant.


bobmalugaloogaluga t1_ja9gr9q wrote

A while back one of you told us that you finally got a snow blower so there’s a good chance that we won’t get any snow.


alissa2579 t1_ja9jey0 wrote

When did it increase? We were in the 2-6 range per Morris county office of emergency management. Im thinking we’ll get 2-3


LemurCat04 t1_ja9ojg9 wrote

When I was a kid, my dad would never get us bikes for Christmas because we couldn’t really use them until spring. We usually got skates or sleds or skis. Your comment reminded me of this.


anthonymm511 t1_ja9on9k wrote

Maybe 2-3. I’m in Edison and we’ll probably get a light dusting that dosen’t stick due to the warmth. Then it’ll immediately get washed away because of the rain after.


Jimmy_kong253 t1_ja9snbq wrote

Well since it's going to be in the 30s in Central Jersey probably nothing to a dusting


Doowrag t1_jaa4jj7 wrote

I miss the winter we had two years ago when we got hit every week with snow and ice storms.


netsfan549 t1_jaa646l wrote

As a new homeowner what time is the best time to throw salt?


I_Am_Skipples t1_jaa7t40 wrote

8” according to all the weather dudes. So probably some wind and rain.


Notimportanthuman t1_jaadc95 wrote

Says 3-5 for middlesex county but rain after and in 40’s tomorrow.. will be slush at best


pleuvonics t1_jaadzp1 wrote

Lol I hope it does since I just bought a shovel at Home Depot and tarped my car.


katsuai t1_jaae1uu wrote

Hoping it if does accumulate that it'll be gone before I have to be somewhere on Wednesday.


Caponeloco00 t1_jaaec2z wrote

About 4 inches even though some predictions are 6-8. It's goin to be mostly rain..


hiimh8m3 t1_jaagvui wrote

I'm in Monmouth County and it has us listed for just some rain. We loaded up the salt trucks just in case, but I doubt we're going to get hit with much snow where I'm at


Lardsoup t1_jaahrrk wrote

In Central Jersey, the best part of Jersey, I predict 3 minutes of snow.


sirzoop t1_jaaj8cd wrote

I think we are getting like 2-3 inches of BLACK ICE


logan44man t1_jaajw5y wrote

Im in Englewood, any predictions for my neck of the woods?


itsmydoggie t1_jaalz0m wrote

Rain and a delayed opening from school :)


[deleted] t1_jaanjd5 wrote

I’m in lake Hiawatha and I’m hearing 4-8. Hope we get nothing. 😁


Jimmytowne t1_jaapo5b wrote

Windy and snowing in middlesex county but nothing is sticking. We had icy rain an hour ago


SailingSpark t1_jaargcb wrote

I can't get much more south.. we are getting nothing but rain down here.


Marqy21 t1_jaasb7m wrote

Nothing after the rain.


Punky921 t1_jaascnc wrote

I have to drive tomorrow for work no matter the weather, so I hope it isn't much.


grand_speckle t1_jaatoon wrote

After moving back and forth between North and South Jersey the past several years , it’s always interesting to see how even an hour or so drive can change the temps/weather. Particularly in the winter. It’s more similar to Maryland/Virginia’s winter’s down here than the rest of NJ lol


whaler76 t1_jaatx1o wrote

We won’t get anything because I decided to dig out my snowblower from the back of garage…. Your welcome


GabrielJesusSaves t1_jaaukn7 wrote

I’m also in Roxbury. I think they are going to be close with the 5-8.


iszomer t1_jaawl6c wrote

Bergen, just as I was leaving work. It first started with a few snowflakes then turned into ice. I don't know what the right terminology for this type of precipitation but it felt like something that is between snow and hail, where you can feel it bouncing of your clothing but still see it swirl against the silhouette of a street light. Now, it's definitely snow.


BoujeeMomme t1_jaay7d8 wrote

It's saying 6" to 8" in my NNJ area.

My kids schools already sent out the message saying snow day and no school.

Luuucky me πŸ™„


ONI5 t1_jab8quc wrote

Enough for me to call out of work.


GooseNYC t1_jab9gla wrote

On the eastern edge of Bergen, it's starting to stick on the roads and is still coming down. If it goes until 6 or 7 AM I can see 4 to 6 inches, absolute max.

And it's supposed to turn to rain tomorrow and be slightly above freezing, then head up to almost 60 by Thursday.
