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Mentalcomposer t1_j8v9xjw wrote

I’m still not understanding. You park your car on the street. This is not a private parking lot or something is it?

Is it correct to say that your car is NOT blocking their driveway, but is parked between two driveways on the street, so in front of a home? Are you parking in front of your neighbors house and that’s why they are mad? They do not own the street parking in front of their home. Can you not park in front of your own home?

I cannot imagine that a traffic officer would give you a ticket, even if they have been called by the neighbor, if you are not parked illegally. How do you even call a traffic officer?

I’m not really sure what to tell you, maybe take a picture of your car every time you park and then if you get a ticket take another pic with the ticket still on your car to prove the car was parked legally?

Or see if you have a case for harassment on the neighbor if they keep calling the traffic police on you?

Or call the traffic police yourself and ask them why they keep coming when they know you are parking legally.