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yaychristy t1_j8of1lb wrote

If you want lower property taxes you need to consolidate the school districts. roughly ~65% of property tax is for the schools.


peter-doubt t1_j8ogb0i wrote

Not so much the schools as the administrators... Just look at the service done in Central Regional....


Mini-salt t1_j8osyn0 wrote

This. I remember seeing my elementary school go through a dramatic overhaul (new jungle gym, expanding the building twice, etc) in the span of 2-3 years because they dropped an administrator.


peter-doubt t1_j8ouikf wrote

(that [building expansion] isn't possible from one salary, even including benefits)


dirtynj t1_j8pymfy wrote

My district doesn't even have enough paper to give our students due to budgets...

Yet we just took on 2 extra admins with 6 figure salaries. It's a joke.


bros402 t1_j8s16zr wrote

think about the poor friends of the super, they need 6 figure jobes too!


satriales856 t1_j8pg2nn wrote

Yeah but if you consolidate districts, you eliminate a lot of administrators. That’s most of the point.


peter-doubt t1_j8pghc2 wrote

(did you miss the suicide there, and the resignation since? Some administrators are fully inept)


satriales856 t1_j8q77po wrote

Why the fuck are you arguing with me? I’m agreeing with you…


Fallen_Mercury t1_j8pxjgh wrote

Hyper localized schools is how New Jersey achieved creating one of the most segregated school systems in the country. The high taxes tied to each district creates a paywall that disadvantages poor people and people of color who have been historically excluded from "nicer" towns and the accompanying schools.

If you really want to see consolidation, be prepared to be greeted with a lot of "not in my back yard" squealing when people realize that "those kids" will now be mingling with "my kids."

There's no way to consolidate without facing this problem. If you were to consolidate 6 districts into 1, with 2 of those districts being much poorer towns, how do you think the 4 wealthier towns would react? If they were to attempt to create a system that favored one town over the other, they would easily lose civil rights law suits for discrimination. Do you really think Ocean and Wall would want to deal with Neptune and Asbury? Do you see Robbinsville, Hamilton, Trenton, Lawrence, and Princeton working well together?

Don't get me wrong, I think consolidation is a good idea... I just think it's so unlikely that it's safe to say impossible. People who live on the right side of the tracks enjoy our segregated school system and they wouldn't want to give it up.


bros402 t1_j8s1p5n wrote

imo no school district should be allowed to have less than 2500-3000 students and if it does, it should be merged into the district with the highest DFG that borders it.

but I think that towns having their own school districts makes sense - it would be better for more districts to have regional HSes, though


Redisigh t1_j8pinzm wrote

And yet it feels like half of the school districts in the state still can’t afford printing paper lmao


imironman2018 t1_j8qejf2 wrote

You can do both. It’s not one or the other. There is so much waste with how these small towns can exist like duplicate town halls, council, fire department, EMS, and sanitation. There is a town that exists in North jersey that is only one city block. That is just ridiculous.


bros402 t1_j8s1eaa wrote

the funny thing is that a lot of those small towns do shared courts - but refuse to consider sharing things like public works


imironman2018 t1_j8s7a6t wrote

if you think about it, why would you share public works or police departments or city services- it is a huge cash cow for the town workers with very little work actually done.


bros402 t1_j8sa55f wrote

public works even refuses to do shit in the town


imironman2018 t1_j8sarfw wrote

yes. or if they do the work, they make sure to stretch it to as long as possible so they can milk it even more. like redoing roads or fixing broken street lights or signs.


bros402 t1_j8sq30g wrote

one of my parents works for a town

needs a lightbulb replaced, calls down to public works

"can't you do it yourself?"

"No, it's a fluorescent bulb"

"what if we drop off the bulb can't you just do it"