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rossdowdell t1_j7ie0ci wrote

Add "the box has chocolate milk stocked," and it's the perfect day.


Rusty_Ferberger t1_j7igj4c wrote

Stopped holding doors after the millionth straight person refused to toss out a simple, "Thanks!".


wessty1984 t1_j7igkw6 wrote

My grandfather had a tradition of hitting the small concrete poles and saying every curse word known to man at the Ship Bottom Wawa parking lot.


decoy1209 t1_j7ihce6 wrote

the coffee is being switched as you walk up.


swifty84 t1_j7it1wg wrote

Had it happen once at 5am in the morning


interr0g8or t1_j7iu0yf wrote

Wawa… where they’ll hold the door for you, then try to mow you down in the parking lot.


adak732 t1_j7j0r4p wrote

Go at midnight and this is usually my experience. :)


bulakenyo1980 t1_j7j3gfz wrote

Never been to a Wawa, Always frequented the Quickchek for the sandwiches.

How do you guys rate Wawa vs. Quickchek sandwiches?


OpeningComb7352 t1_j7j3m4w wrote

Just remembering a time where there was an actual deli in wawa.


boofmasternickynick t1_j7j458l wrote

Just use the app to order food and pay for it right before you leave to pick it up. Then there's never a line


bulakenyo1980 t1_j7j4mt2 wrote

You’re serious.

I actually think Quickchek is pretty good for gas station sandwich, definitely better than anything 7-Eleven or Subway produces.

Quickchek is close to home and work.

I might try going to a Wawa sometime.


OpeningComb7352 t1_j7j4uxe wrote

On a serious note. Wawa food has lessened i quality over the years as they have expanded, but not to what I see in quick check. It just tastes like manufactured garbage. And to be honest I would put it on the same level as 7/11


bulakenyo1980 t1_j7j5l88 wrote

OK. When it’s 7 in the morning, you have few options for hot subs, I will try Wawa one of these days.

I don’t agree with 7/11 vs QC though. I’m a regular at my neighborhood QC, pretty friendly with the sandwich ladies, and they seem to make my sandwich feel more home made. Like sometimes stuffing it with a bit more than standard, a nice and hefty sub.

7-11 or Subway is strictly standard measurements, every time.


IronSeagull t1_j7j6u10 wrote

I hate door holding etiquette. I don't want you to hold the door for me and make me feel like I gotta rush, I can use my own damn hands.


AceSox t1_j7jpz4n wrote

I can't stand all the door holding and shit. I get it's a good gesture and all that but I just want to get in and out asap and this shit jams up the doors constantly. It's like some bs Wawa culture or some shit. They seriously just need automatic doors already...


JMLMemer t1_j7jzzav wrote

Actually has happened to me once when I first moved out to Jersey. Couldn't believe it myself😂😂😂


Cpt_Wolf t1_j7k57ei wrote

Yeah, seriously, go to a Quikchek here in central if you want a tiny sub made with old bread and literally one slice of meat and cheese. Or if you like anything stale really... Or expired... I swear, it's like they got all their food the day they opened and just rolled with it.

And even don't get me started on the 7-11s...


deluxepepperoncini t1_j7k5g5b wrote

Wawa just hits different. I was pissed once when one of my guests wanted subway and I suggested Wawa instead, and they insisted subway.


tay_there t1_j7k665f wrote

quikcheck > wawa in everything.


Gergich_was_here t1_j7k9c4g wrote

Maybe it’s because I live near LBI, but the only time there’s a long line at my Wawa is in the summer. Also, the self-checkout kiosks are good if you’re paying with a card and don’t want to wait. 🤷‍♀️


njwhiteshadow t1_j7k9k49 wrote

I literally race the other people ordering sandwiches. Oh youre already making a selection? Let me slide my order in first while you decide if youre adding on a soup to your meal


Sn_Orpheus t1_j7kbufc wrote

Honestly don't see a big diff between Quick Check and Wawa. Each store is run by a manager and the people in it and they make or break the quality/cleanliness. Inevitable that newer stores are usually better experience to go in but I miss the local mom and pop deli's that are going away because of these places.


cpyf t1_j7kdx6t wrote

My wawa has a self checkout. I remember when there was giant a line and then I used it and the everyone crowded behind me


bulakenyo1980 t1_j7kf9zd wrote

Nice. We’re lucky here in the Hackensack area where the Italian Deli places are still going strong. Cosmo’s, V & T Salumeria, Clemente Bakery all are some of the best in the county. They’re not open at 5 in the morning or near midnight so the gas station sandwiches will do.


Elliptical_Tangent t1_j7kfjbn wrote

Born and raised in NJ, but there are two things I never understood:

  1. Why do people eat pork roll?

  2. Why are people so excited to buy a sandwich at a gas station?


coreynj2461 t1_j7kj48t wrote

Its time for them to get self check outs already. Especially during the lunch rush the line can be wrapped back to the other end of the store or close to it


JIMMYJAWN t1_j7kksm8 wrote

I’m not saying I’m above eating at WaWa but I haven’t been excited about it since they tool out the pickle barrels and deli slicers.


mar2jeter t1_j7kkx4r wrote

Just use self checkout. So much faster especially with mobile pay


mkj3322 t1_j7kll49 wrote

Usually a panhandler holding open that first door.


cyclingman2020 t1_j7kmle3 wrote

This is my experience every time I go to the Wawa in Audubon, NJ.


arthuriurilli t1_j7kndkz wrote

I grew up on Quickchek, and can never embrace Wawa the way everybody else around me does because of it. I'm sure it's nostalgia but I've never had a wawa sandwich conpare to what I remember Quickchek sandwiches tasting like.


MillennialsAre40 t1_j7kx8wb wrote

Varies sandwich to sandwich. Wawa definitely has better.mac.n cheese, and while Quick Chek pork roll/egg/cheese/bagel is better, it's made to order and more expensive than just grabbing one by the register at Wawa.

Wawa has the superior coffee for sure.


Ok_Key3652 t1_j7l3t11 wrote

John harpers convenience store on the corner of county line road and squawkum road in lakewood was where we got milk eggs bread and the local paper long before WaWa or QuickCheck


charcutero t1_j7lhva6 wrote

Forgot the avoiding spit and cigarette butts slide.


Compher t1_j7msixz wrote

Is this North Jersey? Because this happens literally every day.


HabboLuvzNurses t1_j7nm73x wrote

I'm usually the one holding the door open so I didn't get very far down this list lol


StNic54 t1_j7p9oot wrote

As a new NJ resident, I still have to double check “navigate to WaWa” on my phone because it might not be gas…..


grayman826 t1_j7spw8w wrote

If they would use Truman's they'd have my business. It's all high sodium frozen boil in a bag b prepared food. Overrated even on coffee