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OpportunityKnown2 OP t1_j96z2qr wrote

Fuck dinner tbh. It's such a rip off why am I paying so much for some cheap looking stuff. Lol. I'm packing a lunch. I don't want that lead water chicken breast.


PuritanPayne t1_j970hg8 wrote

Why even go to nyc if this is the mentality you have about eating there. Save your money and eat your packed lunch at Eagle Rock Reservation lol


choppedfiggs t1_j96zi0p wrote

You are gonna bring a packed lunch to a date?


OpportunityKnown2 OP t1_j96zsqx wrote

Yeah budy don't be judgy


choppedfiggs t1_j97073g wrote

I'm all for packed lunches but most people came into this question thinking you were aiming to show this person extravagance or to impress them. Packed lunches is the anti thesis of extravagance.

But on the right person it might work if you pack a nice lunch. But not like hey I brought you a bologna sandwich.


AdConfident7002 t1_j976g1a wrote

Dude…. Please don’t bring a packed lunch to a date. She won’t call you back again after that. Get pizza or something at least if you’re trying to save cash.


redditb4awhile t1_j98ni8u wrote

Download Groupon —- search NYC as the location search “dinner”. You can get discounts on dinner say a $100 dinner for $60 if u catch a day there’s a 20% off promo. If u don’t want her to know about the Groupon voucher just get up to use the restroom and pay. There’s a lot of good deals you just need to look!

They have dinner cruises that takes care of 3-4 hrs and includes music, sight seeing, dinner and non alcoholic beverages.

You can also find a bunch of activities to do on Groupon that are affordable.

If you don’t wanna spend too much money on food. Do a nice picnic in a park. Get some sandwiches, some drinks & some good snacks! There’s also some free activities you can find.

The rooftop idea is nice too!