Submitted by totoropotatoes t3_11bd52n in newjersey

Anyone notice more jobs are now doing 9-6 to count your lunch break? I got my first “real” job and it’s 9-6. Kinda sucks… I heard it’s becoming more popular. Also worked on Presidents’ Day. Anyone else?

I’m actually lucky and work remote bc they’re based in Atlanta,GA. But living where I live, everything is so far so I still have no time to get errands or gym done at a decent time. I’m always back my 9/10pm and I sleep at 12am.



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falcon0159 t1_j9xb9rq wrote

Yeah, this is kinda common. I worked for a job that was 9-5:30 or 8:30 to 5 with 30 minute lunch. Some places also don't care. I can take a 2 hour lunch at my current job and no one would say shit.


totoropotatoes OP t1_j9xbk7n wrote

Woah that’s kinda nice they didn’t care. Apparently mine used to watch ur screens all day but they recently stopped doing that 👌🏻 now that I’ve been onboarded my schedules way too busy anyways. Sometimes Idek if I can fit my break in. I’ll have to talk to them if they schedule too much for me..


peter-doubt t1_j9xpogr wrote

I had one job.... They had a time clock that recorded the minute (many do 1/10 hour or similar, not here)

At the end of the week, they'd have a supervisor sit with a pile of cards and look at everyone's punch in time.... 3 minutes late in one day.. or 3 minutes late for the entire week, they'd dock you for 3 minutes. Nevermind getting there early, no credit. Nor for leaving 3 minutes late, nor shortening your lunch....

And this one poor guy doing the asshat's work spent 3 hours.... At double the pay that they were "saving."

This was long ago, when classified ads were printed every day. We finally started posting the ads, daily... Next to the time clock. (And nobody took them down)


Lomak_is_watching t1_j9z1ul4 wrote

That's terrible. The company I work for requires hourly employees to take a 30 min lunch and they pay you for it, in addition to your two 15 min paid breaks.


falcon0159 t1_j9xftp5 wrote

Yeh both of these jovs were salary so it didn't matter anyway. One was in person and my current is hybrid. But mostly remote.


Fancy_Ad_2762 t1_j9xcqhv wrote

We live in the northeast. It sucks ass but part of our culture unfortunately. hustle and bustle

9-6pm has definitely become the standard. Especially since Covid and remote jobs. I work in sales and the markets I cover are FL and TX. They might as well be another country. My colleagues in those states ask "is this 24/7 work culture normal for you guys?"

It is, my friend. unfortunately it is.


totoropotatoes OP t1_j9xdpck wrote

So true. My coworker said she wants to live in nyc n I was like ahaaaa ya sure. Its sooo romanticized. But ya I’m jealous I wish I was even in a different time zone to wake earlier and end earlier. My coworker in CA ends at 3. That means he can see his doctor. What an honor for a human being to be able to see his doctor 🙄


mevich417 t1_j9xek4t wrote

Right?!? Sunday afternoon is my only free time to run errands/catch up on stuff. If I tell my boss I need to leave for an hour to go to a doctors appointment, he acts like the sky is falling. I work for a large national company, make great money, benefits etc. I’ve been working here for 7 years and if I request ONE day off they consider it a catastrophe. It’s like I’m asking the mean teacher in high school to use the bathroom,


totoropotatoes OP t1_j9xeuij wrote

Ugh that’s honestly ridiculous. They should know u can get stuff done if you’ve been there for 7 years. I’m so scared bc they just fired a girl the day after she came back from vacation. It was so sudden. They said it was bc “she wasn’t always growing”. So corporate 😂 Like are we not allowed to use our vacation? I’m scared to even leave an hour or two early for a dr appt lol. I’m in marketing/design agency so similar field


jayc428 t1_j9xbvke wrote

I haven’t noticed that but if I were you I would read up on your rights. Since you’re working remotely your lunch break could qualify as a working lunch and therefore be paid since you’re not really leaving your place of work on your break. They also can’t mandate you to take a break either so them making you work 9-6 and assuming you’re taking an hours worth of breaks in the day would not be compliant from my understanding. Short breaks of less then 20 minutes are in fact paid and count towards your hours worked. While you may be salaried, you may be working overtime without realizing it and depending on your job and responsibilities you may not be exempt from overtime pay.

We’ve actually transitioned our work force to four 10 hour days, breaks included as paid. I wish that was more of the trend because the employees absolutely love it and independent studies have documented the benefits of it extensively.

But anyway don’t hesitate to contact the state DOL, I call them myself every so often with questions just to make sure we’re compliant as things change. They’re extremely helpful in all aspects.


totoropotatoes OP t1_j9xdf9x wrote

This is great advice thank you. I’ll look into it! The agency I work for is clearly all about profits and they’re all mid to late 20s. Including me. And the hr is the founders wife. I’m sure u can assume the culture already.


jayc428 t1_j9xhz68 wrote

No problem! Yeah MBA spreadsheet ninja types I’m sure. Best of luck to you, if you’re looking to make a move the best time to find a new job is while you have one.


peter-doubt t1_j9xq8zz wrote

This.. he has more ammo than he thinks. Replacing him costs. And a better work environment with a respectful employer can last longer than this deserves to.

At the end of the day, you deserve a good measure of Self Respect.


peter-doubt t1_j9xq20g wrote

I did the 4x10 for a time.. my boss liked that in the summer.... It was different, but I Gained nothing. All my errands got crammed into one day and they felt like A Job.


jackietreehorn313 t1_ja0trhx wrote

Add preparing for the day and commuting and it can be more like 7-7. I’m not saying people should be paid for time not in office, but it should be considered when not paying for lunch.


Administrative_Elk66 t1_j9ztv46 wrote

I've never worked somewhere that was 8 hours INCLUDING lunch. It's always been 8 hours working and lunch is separate. The places that pay for your lunch period are the rarity, I think ! Or they just call it a 35 hour week , everyone is exempt , and work through lunch.


waterandweights t1_j9ysfuw wrote

My first big corpo job was 8-5, with a catch.

The department leader would walk the floor at 7:30am and 5:15pm to check on who’s putting in extra time.

I will never take an office job.


mdnla t1_j9z5obo wrote

Yes but mine is 8-5 🙄


111110100101 t1_j9zu30a wrote

9-5 doesn’t really exist anymore outside government jobs.


kurt667 t1_j9z73dx wrote

9-5 is only a song…


wasitme317 t1_ja0ra04 wrote

It was always 8 to 5 when I got a job


Zabazooo t1_ja11zkk wrote

Ive worked 9-8 many times


TodayTimeDeux t1_ja1c60z wrote

I work 8 hours with an unpaid mandatory 30 min break smack in the middle of the day for lunch then separately two paid 15 min breaks 😵‍💫


totoropotatoes OP t1_ja1n19b wrote

Do u work at tjmaxx?


TodayTimeDeux t1_ja1n3k6 wrote

No, customer service center. Do they do that there too?


totoropotatoes OP t1_ja1naf6 wrote

Yes lol. Well we had a 45 minute unpaid mandatory and two 15 mins lol. Glad I was able to get out of there. Love ur pfp btw


TodayTimeDeux t1_ja1nggu wrote

Ugh that sucks. Thankfully I wfh, it would be even worse to be at work being forced to give my time off the clock and extend the work day.

Ty! I love and miss Quinn.