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New_Stats t1_j9am3e2 wrote

>NYTimes merely cites the article. They clearly didn’t check themselves.


So where are the articles debunking the thing cited by the well respected paper of record that is the New York Times? Seems like any rival paper would be all over that


PostPostMinimalist t1_j9an0db wrote

Because it’s an article on Jersey City rent, not Watergate. Nobody is “all over it” because nobody really cares.

I understand respecting the NYTimes. I’m a paid subscriber. But there’s a point at which something flies so blatantly in the face of common sense and the tiniest bit of research that it’s too much. Especially when they merely cite one external article that doesn’t bother to explain itself.

Seriously though, do you actually believe the average rent in JC for 1 and 2 bedrooms is $5500? That’s insanity. Pick your favorite luxury tower in the most expensive part of JC and see if it’s true.